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Free Analog Circuit Simulation

Simulator Options

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** Options, defaults
* Temperature
* Nominal temperature
*.options tnom=27
* Operating temperature
*.options temp=27
* Convergence and precision
* Minimum conductance used in ac and transient domain
*.options gmin=1e-12
* Minimum conductance used in dc domain
*.options gmindc=1e-12
* Minimum resistance value for resistors
*.options resmin=1e-5
* Relative error tolerance
*.options reltol=1e-3
* Absolute error tolerance
*.options abstol=1e-12
* Voltage error tolerance
*.options vntol=1e-6
* Steady state analysis tolerance multiplicator
*.options sssetol=10
* Charge error tolerance
*.options chgtol=1e-14
* Truncation error overestimation factor
*.options trtol=7
* Minimum acceptable pivot
*.options pivtol=1e-13
* Minimum acceptable ratio of pivot
*.options pivrel=1e-3
* Type of timestep control
* lvltim=0 iteration count algorithm
* lvltim=1 dvdt algorithm
* lvltim=2 Berkeley's local truncation error algorithm
*.options lvltim=1
* Use simplified algorithm to calculate local truncation error
*.options newtrunc=not defined
* Maximum slope change used in dvdt timestep algorithm
*.options slopetol=0.75 (0.5 if lvltim is not set to 1)
* Maximum absolute solution change used in dvdt timestep algorithm
*.options absvar=0.5
* Maximum relative solution change used in dvdt timestep algorithm
*.options relvar=0.3
* Maximum relative truncation for local truncation error calculation
*.options relq=1e-3
* Relative current tolerance for local truncation error calculation
*.options ltereltol=0.01
* Absolute current tolerance for local truncation error calculation
*.options lteabstol=1e-6
* Maximal transient step multiplier
*.options rmax=5 (2 if lvltim is not set to 1)
* Minimal transient step multiplier
*.options rmin=1e-9
* Fraction of timestep for first time point
*.options fs=0.25
* Fraction by which timestep is multiplied in case of non-convergence
*.options ft=0.25
* Model voltage (vds, pn junction etc. voltages) limit during the iterations
*.options voltagelimit=1e30
* Check the matrix and right hand side entries and correct (limit) them in
* each iteration after circuit load
*.options matrixcheck=not defined
* Allow bypass of unchanging elements
*.options bypass=1
* DC iteration limit
*.options itl1=100
* DC transfer curve iteration limit
*.options itl2=50
* Lower transient iteration limit
*.options itl3=3
* also named
*.options imin=3
* Upper transient iteration limit
*.options itl4=10
* also named
*.options imax=10
* Total transient iteration limit (has no effect)
*.options itl5=xxx
* Number of source steps
* If srcsteps is less than one then no source stepping is performed
*.options itl6=10
* also named
*.options srcsteps=10
* Number of Gmin steps
* If gminsteps is less than one then no Gmin stepping is performed
*.options gminsteps=10
* Gmin stepping type
* 0 = diagonal Gmin, 1=element Gmin, 2=diagonal and element Gmin
*.options gmintype=0
* Minimum capacitance used in Cmin stepping
* If cmin is less than or equal zero then no Cmin stepping is performed
*.options cmin=1e-12
* Number of Cmin steps
* If cminsteps is less than one then no Cmin stepping is performed
*.options cminsteps=10
* PZ iteration limit
*.options pziter=200
* Skip DC OP iterations, go directly to convergence aids
*.options noopiter=not defined
* Skip source lifting
* Cmin stepping is also not performed
*.options nosrclift=not defined
* Skip initial source lifting without cmins. Go directly to Cmin stepping
*.options noinitsrcl=not defined
* Print convergence aid messages
*.options opdebug=not defined
* Priority of gmin stepping algorithm
*.options gminpriority=1
* Priority of source stepping algorithm
*.options srcspriority=2
* Priority of source lifting algorithm
*.options srclpriority=3
* Maximum number of source lifting iterations
*.options srclmaxiter=5000
* Source lifting convergence test (number of constant iterations)
*.options srclconviter=50
* Number of source rising iterations (used only if scrlrisetime=0)
*.options srclriseiter=50
* Rise time in source lifting procedure
*.options srclrisetime=0
* Final stop time in source lifting procedure if convergence not achieved
*.options srclmaxtime=10
* Minimal step used in source lifting
*.options srclminstep=1e-15
* Allowed right hand side change per iteration in solution limiting
* If sollim is less than or equal zero then
* no solution limiting is performed
* if(abs(new rhs value - old rhs value) > tolerance)
* new rhs value = old rhs value +- tolerance / sollim
*.options sollim=10
* Allowed number of iterations in solution limiting
* If sollimiter is less than or equal zero then
* no solution limiting is performed
* DC iteration limit in solution limiting = sollimiter * itl1
*.options sollimiter=10
* Do not automatically set option values to achieve convergence
* when calculating operating point
*.options noautoconv=not defined
* Do not perform circuit topology verification during circuit setup
* (do not check for floating nodes in dc domain)
*.options nofloatnodescheck=not defined
* Do not double check convergence in Newton-Raphson algorithm
*.options noconviter=not defined
* Do not use predictor corrector method.
*.options nopredictor=not defined
* Integration method, trapezoidal or gear
* Note: Gear's algorithm also sets bypass to zero and lvltim to two
*.options method=trap
* Maximum integration order
*.options maxord=2
* Coefficient for the second order trapezoidal integration algorithm.
* It provides smooth transition from the second order (xmu=0.5) back to the
* first order (xmu=0) (Euler) algorithm.
* The range for xmu is 0 to 0.5.
*.options xmu=0.5
* also named
*.options mu=0.5
* Decreasing multiplier of xmu coefficient in
* case of numerical oscillations.
* The range for xmumult is 0 to 1.
* If xmumult=1 then decreasing of xmu is off.
*.options xmumult=0.8
* also named
*.options mumult=0.8
* Numerical oscillations detecting level to decrease xmu.
* trapratio has to be greater than 1.
*.options trapratio=10
* Print messages about trapezoidal integration method behaviour.
*.options integdebug=notdefined
* Denominator of first time step to solve the circuit at time t->0
* 0=off
*.options icstep=0
* Factor used in matrix loading to pull the solution towards
* the given nodesets
*.options nsfactor=1e10
* Number of iterations in which the nodeset factor gradually disappears
*.options nssteps=1
* Minimum time between breakpoints
*.options minbreak=no default
* Record operating point for each small-signal analysis
*.options keepopinfo
* XSPICE options
* Maximum analog/event alternations in DCOP
*.options maxopalter=nr_of_outputs_on_hybrids+1
* Maximum event iterations at analysis point
*.options maxevtiter=nr_of_event_driven_outputs+1
* Do not do analog/event alternation in DCOP
*.options noopalter
* Transient analysis supply ramping time
* 0=off
*.options ramptime=0
* Enable convergence assistance on code models
*.options convlimit
* Fractional step allowed by code model inputs between iterations
*.options convstep=0.25
* Absolute step allowed by code model inputs between iterations
*.options convabsstep=0.1
* Use auto-partial computation for all models
*.options autopartial
* Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground
* If rshunt is not defined then no shunt resistances are added
*.options rshunt=not defined
* Shunt capacitance from analog nodes to ground
* If cshunt is less than or equal zero then no shunt capacitances are added
*.options cshunt=0
* SPICE3 models
* Default MOSfet length
*.options defl=100u
* Default MOSfet width
*.options defw=100u
* Default MOSfet area of drain
*.options defad=0
* Default MOSfet area of source
*.options defas=0
* Default MOSFET perimeter of drain
*.options defpd=0
* Default MOSFET perimeter of source
*.options defps=0
* Default number of MOSFET drain squares
*.options defnrd=0
* Default number of MOSFET source squares
*.options defnrs=0
* Default value for MOSFET model parameter check (bsmi3v3 only)
*.options defmodcheck=0
* Default value for MOSFET instance parameter check (bsmi3v3 only)
*.options definstcheck=0
* Scale factor for instance metric parameters
*.options scale=1
* Use old mos3 model (discontinuous with respect to kappa)
*.options badmos3
* Depletion capacitance equation selector
*.options dcap=1
* Try compaction for LTRA lines
*.options trytocompact
* Obsolete
* Print accounting
*.options acct
* Print a listing
*.options list
* Don't print a model summary
*.options nomod
* Don't insert page breaks
*.options nopage
* Print a node connection summary
*.options node
* Print a list of the options
*.options opts
* Use SPICE2 MOSfet limiting
*.options oldlimit
* Set number of digits printed
*.options numdgt
* Total cpu time in seconds
*.options cptime
* Time to reserve for output
*.options limtim
* Maximum points per analysis
*.options limpts
* Generate machine code
*.options lvlcod
* Statistics, read-only, integer
* totiter ... Total iterations
* traniter ... Transient iterations
* equations ... Circuit Equations
* tranpoints ... Transient timepoints
* accept ... Accepted timepoints
* rejected ... Rejected timepoints
* trancuriters ... Transient iters per point
* Statistics, read-only, real
* time ... Total Analysis Time
* trantime ... Transient time
* reordertime ... Matrix reordering time
* lutime ... L-U decomposition time
* solvetime ... Matrix solve time
* tranlutime ... transient L-U decomp time
* transolvetime ... Transient solve time
* loadtime ... Load time