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Free Analog Circuit Simulation



After downloading the zip file extract it into the temporary directory of your choice. Then run setup.exe. The installation script will ask you where would you like to install SpiceOpus and will copy all the files there for you. It will also add the SpiceOpus executable and a link to this documentation to Start/Programs menu. After the installation is complete you can delete the temporary directory.

The directory where you installed SpiceOpus should contain following subdirectories:

bin directory with executable files, the spice3 simulator and the cmpp code model source preprocessor
build directory with MSVC project files needed for building the .cm modules from sources.
documentation documentation files in html format
lib library files, scripts (lib/scripts), help files (lib/helpdir), and precompiled code models (lib/cm)
source source files of code models (source/cmlib) and include files for compiling the code models (source/include)

Several environment variables can be set to direct SpiceOpus where to search for files. Those variables are:

OPUSHOME path to the SpiceOpus home directory (default:c:/spiceopus)
SPICE_EXEC_DIR path to the executable directory, valid only ifOPUSHOME variable is not defined, otherwise SPICE_EXEC_DIR =OPUSHOME/bin (default:c:/spiceopus/bin)
SPICE_LIB_DIR path to the library directory, valid only if OPUSHOME variable is not defined, otherwise SPICE_LIB_DIR =OPUSHOME/lib (default:c:/spiceopus/lib)
SPICE_LOCK_NAME lock file name (default:lock)
SPICE_HELP_DIR path to the help directory (default:SPICE_LIB_DIR/helpdir, or if SPICE_LIB_DIR not defined:c:/spiceopus/lib/helpdir)
SPICE_SCRIPTS path to the scripts directory default:SPICE_LIB_DIR/scripts, or if SPICE_LIB_DIR not defined:c:/spiceopus/lib/scripts)
SPICE_PATH path to the mainSpiceOpus program (default:SPICE_EXEC_DIR/spice3, or if SPICE_EXEC_DIR not defined:c:/spiceopus/bin/spice3)
SPICE_EDITOR path to the editor of your choice (default: c:/windows/notepad.exe)

If you move any group of files to some other location you should change the appropriate environment variable.


Become root. Unpack the tar.gz file. Enter the directory created by unpacking the archive and type

./install /usr/local

The installation program will detect and remove existing SPICE OPUS installations in the specified tree (in our case /usr/local) and then install SPICE OPUS in the specified tree (/usr/local). Following directories will contain the SPICE OPUS files:

/usr/local/bin directory with executable files, the spice3 simulator and the cmpp code model source preprocessor
/usr/local/lib/spiceopus precompiled code models (/usr/local/lib/spiceopus/cm), documentation files in html format (/usr/local/lib/spiceopus/documentation), help files (/usr/local/lib/spiceopus/helpdir), and scripts (/usr/local/lib/spiceopus/scripts),
/usr/local/src/spiceopus sources of code models (/usr/local/src/spiceopus/cmlib) and the include files needed for compiling the sources (/usr/local/src/spiceopus/include)

SPICE OPUS requires a working X-Window installation. You can install SPICE OPUS in some other tree by specifying it as a command line parameter for spice.install. The environmental variables are set in the /usr/local/bin/spice-config shell script. When you run spice3 you actually start this script which sets up the environmental variables and starts the spice3.bin executable.