Source code for pyopus.simulator.rawfile

**SPICE OPUS raw file input/output**

SPICE OPUS results are stored in raw files. Every raw file can contain multiple 

A **plot** is a group of vectors (arrays). Every plot has a title, a date, and 
a plot name associated with it. The vectors in a plot need not be of the same 
size or shape. Generally they are of the same shape and one of them is a 
so-called default scale. 

The **default scale** vector is the one that goes on the x-axis of plots. All 
other vectors represent y-axis values corresponding to various simulation 

Sometimes a vector in a plot has a different scale than the one given by the 
default scale vector. In that case the scale is also a vector in the same plot. 
Which vector is the (non-default) scale of a given vector is specified by a 
separate scales dictionary. 
from . import _rawfile
from numpy import array
from time import strftime

__all__ = [ 'raw_read', 'raw_write' ]

[docs]def raw_write(filename, vectors, defaultScale='', scales={}, title='Untitled', date=None, plotName='unknown', binary=True, append=False, padding=True, precision=15, debug=0): """ Writes a plot to a file named *filename*. If *append* is ``true`` the plot is appended at the end of the file (makes it possible to store multiple plots in a single file). If *binary* is ``True`` the data are stored in binary format. Otherwise the format is ASCII. If *padding* is ``True`` the output is padded with zeros for arrays that are shorter than the longest array in the plot. *precision* specifies the number of significant digits to store if the format is ASCII. The vectors are specified in the *vectors* dictionary with vector name for key. *defaultScale* is the name of the defautl scale vector. Vectors using a non-default scale are listed in the *scales* dictionary. The vector name is the key while the scale name is the value. *title*, *date*, and *plotName* are strings that specify the title, the date, and the name of the plot. Returns 0 on error. A nonzero value is returned if everything is OK. """ if date is None: date=strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') return _rawfile.raw_write(filename, vectors, defaultScale, scales, title, date, plotName, binary, append, padding, precision, debug)
[docs]def raw_read(filename, debug=0, reverse=0): """ Returns a list of tuples, where one tuple represents one plot obtained from the raw file with *filename* for name. Every tuple consists of the following members: 0. a dictionary of vectors (arrays) with vector name for key 1. the name of the default scale vector 2. a dictionary specifying scales for vectors using a non-default scale. Keys are vector names while values are the names of non-default scale vectors 3. a string with the title of the plot 4. a string with the date of the plot 5. a string with the name of the plot Automatically detects the format of the file (ASCII/binary). If *reverse* is ``True`` the double values are reordered in reverse byte order. This way raw files generated by the Cadence Spectre simulator can be read correctly. Returns ``None`` if an error occurs during reading. """ return _rawfile.raw_read(filename, debug, reverse)