Source code for pyopus.problems.cec13

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
.. inheritance-diagram:: pyopus.problems.cec13
    :parts: 1
**CEC13 test problems (PyOPUS subsystem name: CEC13)**

These are the test problems from the IEEE CEC 2013 real-parameter single 
objective optimization competition [cec13]_. 

Objects of this class are callable. Calling them evaluates the corresponding 

This module is independent of PyOPUS, meaning that it can be taken as is 
and used as a module in some other package. It depends only on the :mod:`cpi` 
and the :mod:`_cec13` modules. 

The code in the binary module shares variables. If multiple CEC13 functions 
are created the initialization will take place automatically whenever a 
different function from the previous one is evaluated. Evaluation takes time 
so make sure you don't switch functions frequently. 

.. [cec13] Liang J. J., Qu B. Y., Suganthan P. N., Hernández-Diaz A. G.: 
           Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2013
           Special Session on Real-Parameter Optimization, 
           Technical Report 201212, Computational Intelligence Laboratory, 
           Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China, Technical Report, Nanyang 
           Technological University, Singapore, 2013. 
from . import _cec13
import os
import numpy as np
from .cpi import CPI, MemberWrapper, TestFunctionError
	from ..misc.debug import DbgMsg
	def DbgMsg(x, y):
		return x+": "+y

__all__ = [ 'CEC13' ]

# Set path to data files folder
[docs]class CEC13(CPI): """ CEC13 test problems. * *name* - problem name * *number* - problem number (0-27) * *n* - problem dimension Attributes: * :attr:`name` - problem name * :attr:`n` - number of variables * :attr:`xl` - vector of lower bounds on variables * :attr:`xh` - vector of upper bounds on variables * :attr:`xmin` - best known minimum position * :attr:`fmin` - best known minimum value """ names=[ # Unimodal "Sphere", "RotatedElliptic", "RotatedCigar", "RotatedDiscus", "DifferentPowers", # Basic multimodal "RotatedRosenbrock", "RotatedSchafferF7", "RotatedAckley", "RotatedWeierstrass", "RotatedGriewank", "Rastrigin", "RotatedRastrigin", "DiscontinuousRotatedRastrigin", "Schwefel", "RotatedSchwefel", "RotatedKatsuura", "LunacekBiRastrigin", "RotatedLunacekBiRastrigin", "ExpandedGriewankRosenbrock", "ExpandedSchafferF6", # Composited functions "Composited1", "Composited2", "Composited3", "Composited4", "Composited5", "Composited6", "Composited7", "Composited8", ] "List of all function names" functionNumber=dict(zip(names, range(len(names)))) def __init__(self, name=None, number=None, n=10): if number is None and name is None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("CEC13", "Must specify name or number.")) if number is not None and name is not None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("CEC13", "Name and number cannot be specified at the same time.")) if number is not None: self.number=number if number<0 or number>27: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("CEC13", "Bad problem number."))[number] if name is not None: if name not in self.functionNumber: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("CEC13", "Function not found.")) self.number=self.functionNumber[name] self.n=n self.xl=-np.ones(self.n)*100.0 self.xh=np.ones(self.n)*100.0 info=_cec13.cec13init(self.number, self.n) self.xmin=info['xmin'] self.fmin=info['fmin'] def __call__(self, x): """ Returns the value of the function at *x*. If *x* is a 2D array multiple pointa are evaluated. First index is the point index and the second index is the component index. """ if len(x.shape)==1: return _cec13.cec13eval(self.number, x, x.shape[0], 1) elif len(x.shape)==2: return _cec13.cec13eval(self.number, x.ravel(), x.shape[1], x.shape[0]) else: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("CEC13", "Input vector must be a 1D or 2D array."))
[docs] def cpi(self): """ Returns the common problem interface. Gradient is not supported. See the :class:`CPI` class for more information. """ itf=self.prepareCPI(self.n, m=0) itf['name'] itf['f']=self itf['xlo']=self.xl itf['xhi']=self.xh itf['fmin']=self.fmin itf['xmin']=self.xmin return self.fixBounds(itf)