Source code for pyopus.optimizer.grnm

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
.. inheritance-diagram:: pyopus.optimizer.grnm
    :parts: 1

**Unconstrained grid-restrained Nelder-Mead simplex optimizer 
(PyOPUS subsystem name: GRNMOPT)**

A provably convergent version of the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm. The 
algorithm performs unconstrained optimization. Convergence is achieved by 
restraining the simplex points to a gradually refined grid and by keeping the 
simplex internal angles away from 0. 

The algorithm was published in 

.. [grnm] Bűrmen Á., Puhan J., Tuma T.: Grid Restrained Nelder-Mead Algorithm.
          Computational Optimization and Applications, vol. 34, pp. 359-375, 2006. 

There is an error in Algorithm 2, step 5. The correct step 5 is: 
If $f^{pe}<\min(f^{pe}, f^1, f^2, ..., f^{n+1})$ replace $x^i$ with $x^{pe}$ 
where $x^{i}$ denotes the point for which $f(x^i)$ is the lowest of all points. 

from ..misc.debug import DbgMsgOut, DbgMsg
from .base import Optimizer
from .nm import NelderMead

from numpy import abs, argsort, where, round, sign, diag, sqrt, log, array, zeros, dot, ones
from numpy.linalg import qr, det

# import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

__all__ = [ 'GRNelderMead' ]

[docs]class GRNelderMead(NelderMead): """ Unconstrained grid-restrained Nelder-Mead optimizer class Default values of the expansion (1.2) and shrink (0.25) coefficients are different from the original Nelder-Mead values. Different are also the values of relative tolerance (1e-16), and absolute function (1e-16) and side length size (1e-9) tolerance. *lam* and *Lam* are the lower and upper bound on the simplex side length with respect to the grid. The shape (side length determinant) is bounded with respect to the grid density by *psi*. The grid density has a continuity bound due to the finite precision of floating point numbers. Therefore the grid begins to behave as continuous when its density falls below the relative(*tau_r*) and absolute (*tau_a*) bound with respect to the grid origin. If *originalGrid* is ``True`` the initial grid has the same density in all directions (as in the paper). If ``False`` the initial grid density adapts to the bounding box shape. If *gridRestrainInitial* is ``True`` the points of the initial simplex are restrained to the grid. See the :class:`~pyopus.optimizer.nm.NelderMead` class for more information. """ def __init__(self, function, debug=0, fstop=None, maxiter=None, reflect=1.0, expand=1.2, outerContract=0.5, innerContract=-0.5, shrink=0.25, reltol=1e-15, ftol=1e-15, xtol=1e-9, simplex=None, lam=2.0, Lam=2.0**52, psi=1e-6, tau_r=2.0**(-52), tau_a=1e-100, originalGrid=False, gridRestrainInitial=False): NelderMead.__init__(self, function, debug, fstop, maxiter, reflect, expand, outerContract, innerContract, shrink, reltol, ftol, xtol, simplex) # Simplex self.simplex=None # Grid origin and scaling self.z=None self.Delta=None # Side length bounds wrt. grid self.lam=lam self.Lam=Lam # Simplex shape lower bound self.psi=1e-6 # Grid continuity bound (relative and absolute) self.tau_r=tau_r self.tau_a=tau_a # Create initial grid with the procedure described in the paper self.originalGrid=originalGrid # Grid restrain initial simplex self.gridRestrainInitial=gridRestrainInitial
[docs] def check(self): """ Checks the optimization algorithm's settings and raises an exception if something is wrong. """ NelderMead.check(self) if self.lam<=0: raise Exception(DbgMsg("GRNMOPT", "lambda should be positive.")) if self.Lam<=0: raise Exception(DbgMsg("GRNMOPT", "Lambda should be positive.")) if self.lam>self.Lam: raise Exception(DbgMsg("GRNMOPT", "Lambda should be greater or equal lambda.")) if self.psi<0: raise Exception(DbgMsg("GRNMOPT", "psi should be greater or equal zero.")) if self.tau_r<0 or self.tau_a<0: raise Exception(DbgMsg("GRNMOPT", "Relative and absolute grid continuity bounds should be positive."))
[docs] def buildGrid(self, density=10.0): """ Generates the intial grid density for the algorithm. The grid is determined relative to the bounding box of initial simplex sides. *density* specifies the number of points in every grid direction that covers the corresponding side of the bounding box. If any side of the bounding box has zero length, the mean of all side lengths divided by *density* is used as grid density in the corresponding direction. Returns the 1-dimensional array of length *ndim* holding the grid densities. """ if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Building initial grid for initial simplex.") # Side vectors (to the first point) v=self.simplex[1:,:]-self.simplex[0,:] if not self.originalGrid: # Maximal absolute components (bounding box sides) vmax=abs(v).max(0) # Maximal bounding box side vmax_max=vmax.max() # If any component maximum is 0, set it to vmax value vmax=where(vmax==0.0, vmax_max, vmax) # Bounding box dimensions divided by density return vmax/density else: # Shortest side length lmin=sqrt((v*v).sum(1).min()) # Shortest side length divided by density, uniform across all dimensions return ones(self.ndim)*lmin/density
[docs] def gridRestrain(self, x): """ Returns the point on the grid that is closest to *x*. """ xgr=round((x-self.z)/* return xgr
[docs] def sortedSideVectors(self): """ Returns a tuple (*vsorted*, *lsorted*) where *vsorted* is an array holding the simplex side vectors sorted by their length with longest side first. The first index of the 2-dimensional array is the side vector index while the second one is the component index. *lsorted* is a 1-dimensional array of corresponding simplex side lengths. """ # Side vectors v=self.simplex[1:,:]-self.simplex[0,:] # Get length l2=(v*v).sum(1) # Order by length (longest first) i=argsort(l2, 0, 'mergesort') # shortest first i=i[-1::-1] # longest first vsorted=v[i,:] lsorted=sqrt(l2[i]) return (vsorted, lsorted)
[docs] def reshape(self, v=None, Q=None, R=None): """ Reshapes simpex side vectors given by rows of *v* into orthogonal sides with their bounding box bounded in length by *lam* and *Lam* with respect to the grid density. If *v* is ``None`` it assumes that it is a product of matrices *Q* and *R*. Returns a tuple (*vnew*, *l*) where *vnew* holds the reshaped simplex sides and *l* is the 1-dimensional array of reshaped side lengths. """ # Rows are side vectors # QR decomposition of a matrix with side vectors as columns if v is not None: (Q, R)=qr(v.T) # Get scaling factors and their signs Rdiag=R.diagonal() Rsign=sign(Rdiag) Rsign=where(Rsign!=0, Rsign, 1.0) # Get side lengths l=abs(Rdiag) # Calculate side length bounds norm_delta=sqrt((**2).sum()) lower=self.lam*sqrt(self.ndim)*norm_delta/2 upper=self.Lam*sqrt(self.ndim)*norm_delta/2 # Bound side length l=where(l<=upper, l, upper) l=where(l>=lower, l, lower) # Scale vectors # Vectors are in columns of Q. Therefore transpose Q. vnew=dot(diag(l*Rsign), Q.T) return (vnew, l)
[docs] def reset(self, x0): """ Puts the optimizer in its initial state and sets the initial point to be the 1-dimensional array or list *x0*. The length of the array becomes the dimension of the optimization problem (:attr:`ndim` member). The initial simplex is built around *x0* by calling the :meth:`buildSimplex` method with default values for the *rel* and *abs* arguments. If *x0* is a 2-dimensional array or list of size (*ndim*+1) times *ndim* it specifies the initial simplex. A corresponding grid is created by calling the :meth:`buildGrid` method. The initial value of the natural logarithm of the simplex side vectors determinant is calculated and stored. """ # Debug message if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Resetting.") # Make it an array x0=array(x0) # Is x0 a point or a simplex? if x0.ndim==1: # Point # Set x now NelderMead.reset(self, x0) if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Generating initial simplex from initial point.") sim=self.buildSimplex(x0) self._setSimplex(sim) self.z=x0 else: # Simplex or error (handled in _setSimplex()) self._setSimplex(x0) self.z=x0[0,:] if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Using specified initial simplex.") # Set x to first point in simplex after it was checked in _setSimplex() Optimizer.reset(self, x0[0,:]) # Reset point moves counter self.simplexmoves=zeros(self.ndim+1) # Make x tolerance an array self.xtol=array(self.xtol)
[docs] def run(self): """ Runs the optimization algorithm. """ # Debug message if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Starting a run at i="+str(self.niter)) # Checks self.check() # Reset stop flag self.stop=False # Grid-restrain initial simplex if self.gridRestrainInitial: for i in range(0, self.ndim+1): self.simplex[i,:]=self.gridRestrain(self.simplex[i,:]) # Evaluate if needed if self.simplexf is None: self.simplexf=zeros(self.npts) for i in range(0, self.ndim+1): self.simplexf[i][i,:]) if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Initial simplex point i="+str(self.niter)+": f="+str(self.simplexf[i])) # Loop while not self.stop: # Order simplex (best point first) self.orderSimplex() # Centroid xc=self.simplex[:-1,:].sum(0)/self.ndim # Worst point xw=self.simplex[-1,:] fw=self.simplexf[-1] # Second worst point xsw=self.simplex[-2,:] fsw=self.simplexf[-2] # Best point xb=self.simplex[0,:] fb=self.simplexf[0] # No shrink shrink=False # Reflect xr=self.gridRestrain(xc+(xc-xw)*self.reflect) if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": reflect : f="+str(fr)) if fr<fb: # Try expansion xe=self.gridRestrain(xc+(xc-xw)*self.expand) if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": expand : f="+str(fe)) if fe<fr: # Accept expansion self.simplex[-1,:]=xe self.simplexf[-1]=fe self.simplexmoves[-1]+=1 if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": accepted expansion") else: # Accept reflection self.simplex[-1,:]=xr self.simplexf[-1]=fr self.simplexmoves[-1]+=1 if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": accepted reflection after expansion") elif fb<=fr and fr<fsw: # Accept reflection self.simplex[-1,:]=xr self.simplexf[-1]=fr self.simplexmoves[-1]+=1 if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": accepted reflection") elif fsw<=fr and fr<fw: # Try outer contraction xo=self.gridRestrain(xc+(xc-xw)*self.outerContract) if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": outer con : f="+str(fo)) if fo<fsw: # Accept self.simplex[-1,:]=xo self.simplexf[-1]=fo self.simplexmoves[-1]+=1 if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": accepted outer contraction") else: # Shrink shrink=True elif fw<=fr: # Try inner contraction xi=self.gridRestrain(xc+(xc-xw)*self.innerContract) if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": inner con : f="+str(fi)) if fi<fsw: # Accept self.simplex[-1,:]=xi self.simplexf[-1]=fi self.simplexmoves[-1]+=1 if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": accepted inner contraction") else: # Shrink shrink=True # self._checkSimplex() # self._plotSimplex() # Reshape, pseudo-expand, and shrink loop if shrink: # Normal NM steps failed # No reshape happened yet reshaped=False # Create origin vector and function value x0=zeros(self.ndim) f0=0.0 # Check simplex shape # Simplex is already sorted (v, l)=self.sortedSideVectors() # Rows of v are side vectors, need to QR decompose a matrix # with columns holding side vectors (Q, R)=qr(v.T) # Diagonal of R Rdiag=R.diagonal() # Grid density norm norm_delta=sqrt((**2).sum()) if abs(Rdiag).min()<self.psi*sqrt(self.ndim)*norm_delta/2: # Shape not good, reshape (v, l)=self.reshape(Q=Q, R=R) reshaped=True # Origin for building the new simplex x0[:]=self.simplex[0,:] f0=self.simplexf[0] # Build new simplex for i in range(self.ndim): self.simplex[i+1,:]=self.gridRestrain(v[i,:]+x0)[i+1,:]) self.simplexf[i+1]=f if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": reshape : f="+str(f)) self.simplexmoves[:]=0 # Do not order simplex here, even if reshape results in a point that improves over x0. # The algorithm in the paper orders the simplex here. This is not in the sense of the # Price-Coope-Byatt paper, which introduced pseudo-expand. Therefore do not sort. # Centroid of the n worst points (or if a reshape took place - n new points) xcw=self.simplex[1:,:].sum(0)/self.ndim # Pseudo-expand point xpe=self.gridRestrain(xb+(self.expand/self.reflect-1.0)*(xb-xcw)) if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": pseudo exp: f="+str(fpe)) # Check if there is any improvement if fpe<fb: # Pseudo-expand point is better than old best point self.simplex[0,:]=xpe self.simplexf[0]=fpe self.simplexmoves[0]+=1 if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": accepted pseudo exp") elif self.simplexf.min()<fb: # One of the points obtained by reshape is better than old best point if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": accepted reshape") else: # No improvement, enter shrink loop # Even though we had a reshape the reshape did not improve the best point, # and neither did pseudo-expand. This means that the best point before # reshape is still the best point. if not reshaped: # No reshape yet, reshape now (v, l)=self.reshape(Q=Q, R=R) reshaped=True # Origin for building the new simplex x0[:]=self.simplex[0,:] f0=self.simplexf[0] self.simplexmoves[:]=0 if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": reshape") # This is the first shrink step shrink_step=0 else: # This is the second shrink step # (first one happened at reshape and failed to produce improvement) shrink_step=1 # Shrink loop while self.simplexf.min()>=f0: # Reverse side vectors if this is not the first shrink step if shrink_step>0: v=-v # If not first even shrink step, shrink vectors and check grid if shrink_step>=2 and shrink_step % 2 == 0: # Shrink vectors v=v*self.shrink l=l*self.shrink if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": shrink vectors") # Find shortest side vector i=argsort(l, 0, 'mergesort') lmin=l[i[0]] vmin=v[i[0],:] # Do we need a new grid? if lmin < self.lam*sqrt(self.ndim)*sqrt((**2).sum())/2: # New grid origin self.z=x0 # New (refined) grid density vmin_norm=sqrt((vmin**2).sum())/sqrt(self.ndim) abs_vmin=abs(vmin) deltaprime=1.0/(250*self.lam*self.ndim)*where(abs_vmin>vmin_norm, abs_vmin, vmin_norm) # Enforce continuity bound on density contbound_r=abs(self.z)*self.tau_r contbound=where(contbound_r>self.tau_a, contbound_r, self.tau_a) deltanew=where(deltaprime>contbound, deltaprime, contbound) # Update grid density<, deltanew, if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": refine grid") # Evaluate points self.simplex[1:,:]=x0+v for i in range(self.ndim): self.simplex[i+1,:]=self.gridRestrain(x0+v[i,:])[i+1,:]) self.simplexf[i+1]=f if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+(": shrink %1d: f=" % (shrink_step % 2))+str(f)) # self._checkSimplex() # self._plotSimplex() # if f0!=self.simplexf[0] or (x0!=self.simplex[0,:]).any(): # raise Exception, "x0, f0 not matching." # Stopping condition if (self.checkFtol() and self.checkXtol()) or self.stop: break # Increase shrink step counter shrink_step+=1 # Check stopping condition if self.checkFtol() and self.checkXtol(): if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Iteration i="+str(self.niter)+": simplex x and f tolerance reached, stopping.") break # Debug message if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Finished.")
# # Internal functions for debugging purposes # def _checkSimplex(self): """ Check if the approximate cost function values corresponding to simplex points are correct. """ for i in range(0, self.ndim+1): ff=self.simplexf[i][i,:], False) if ff!=f and self.debug: DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", "Simplex consistency broken for member #"+str(i)) raise Exception("") def _checkLogDet(self): """ Check if the natural logarithm of the simplex side vectors is correct. """ (v,l)=self.sortedSideVectors() vdet=abs(det(v)) DbgMsgOut("GRNMOPT", " logDet="+str(exp(self.logDet))+" vdet="+str(vdet)) if (1.0-exp(self.logDet)/vdet)>1e-3: raise Exception(DbgMsG("GRNMOPT", "Simplex determinat consistency broken. Relative error: %e" % (1.0-exp(self.logDet)/vdet))) def _plotSimplex(self): """ Plot the projection of simplex side vectors to the first two dimensions. """ p1=self.simplex[0,:2] p2=self.simplex[1,:2] p3=self.simplex[2,:2] pl.clf() pl.plot([p1[0]], [p1[1]], 'ro') pl.plot([p2[0]], [p2[1]], 'go') pl.plot([p3[0]], [p3[1]], 'bo') pl.plot([p1[0], p2[0]], [p1[1], p2[1]], 'b') pl.plot([p1[0], p3[0]], [p1[1], p3[1]], 'b') pl.axis('equal')