Source code for

.. inheritance-diagram::
    :parts: 1

**Box constrained differential evolution global optimizer 
(PyOPUS subsystem name: DEOPT)**

Published first in [de]_. 

.. [de] Storn R., Price K.: Differential evolution - a simple and efficient heuristic 
        for global optimization over continuous spaces. Journal of Global Optimization 
        vol. 11, pp. 341--359, 1997.

from ..misc.debug import DbgMsgOut, DbgMsg
from .base import BoxConstrainedOptimizer
from ..parallel.cooperative import cOS

from numpy import array, concatenate, arange, zeros, where, isinf
from numpy.random import RandomState
from time import sleep, time

__all__ = [ 'DifferentialEvolution' ] 

[docs]class DifferentialEvolution(BoxConstrainedOptimizer): """ Box constrained differential evolution global optimizer class If *debug* is above 0, debugging messages are printed. The lower and upper bound (*xlo* and *xhi*) must both be finite. *maxGen* is the maximal number of generations. It sets an upper bound on the number of iterations to be the greater of the following two values: *maxiter* and :math:`(maxGen+1) \\cdot populationSize`. *populationSize* is the number of inidividuals (points) in the population. *w* is the differential weight between 0 and 2. *pc* is the crossover probability between 0 and 1. *seed* is the random number generator seed. Setting it to ``None`` uses the builtin default seed. If *spawnerLevel* is not greater than 1, evaluations are distributed across available computing nodes (that is unless task distribution takes place at a higher level). Infinite bounds are allowed. This means that the algorithm behaves as an unconstrained algorithm if lower bounds are :math:`-\\infty` and upper bounds are :math:`+\\infty`. In this case the initial population must be defined with the :meth:`reset` method. See the :class:`~pyopus.optimizer.base.BoxConstrainedOptimizer` for more information. """ def __init__(self, function, xlo, xhi, debug=0, fstop=None, maxiter=None, maxSlaves=None, minSlaves=0, maxGen=None, spawnerLevel=1, populationSize=100, w=0.5, pc=0.3, seed=0): if maxGen is not None: # maxGen puts a limit on maxiter if maxiter is None: maxiter=(maxGen+1)*populationSize else: maxiter=max(maxiter, (maxGen+1)*populationSize) BoxConstrainedOptimizer.__init__(self, function, xlo, xhi, debug, fstop, maxiter) # Local random generator with fixed seed self.randGen=RandomState(seed) if seed is None: self.randGen.seed() # Pupulation size self.Np=populationSize # Differential weight self.w=w # Crossover probability self.pc=pc # Population self.population=None self.fpopulation=None # Point status (set of points to be evaluated and points being evaluated) # Used only when initial population is being evaluated self.pointsForEvaluation=set() self.pointsBeingEvaluated=set() # Which population point to use as next parent. Used by master. self.ip=None self.maxSlaves=maxSlaves self.minSlaves=minSlaves self.spawnerLevel=spawnerLevel
[docs] def initialPopulation(self): """ Constructs and returns the initial population. Fails if any bound is infinite. """ if isinf(self.xlo).any() or isinf(self.xhi).any(): raise Exception(DbgMsg("DEOPT", "Infinite bounds detected. Need initial population.")) # Random permutations of Np subintervals for every variable # One column is one variable (it has Np rows) perm=zeros([self.Np, self.ndim]) for i in range(self.ndim): # perm[:,i]=(permutation(self.Np)) perm[:,i]=(self.randGen.permutation(self.Np)) # Random relative interval coordinates (0,1) # randNum=random((self.Np, self.ndim)) randNum=self.randGen.rand(self.Np, self.ndim) # Build Np points from random subintervals return self.denormalize((perm+randNum)/self.Np)
[docs] def generatePoint(self, i): """ Generates a new point through mutation and crossover. """ # Select 3 distinct indices different from i between 0 and np-1 indices=arange(self.Np) indices=concatenate((indices[:i], indices[i:]), axis=0) # indices=permutation(indices) indices=self.randGen.permutation(indices) a, b, c = indices[0], indices[1], indices[2] # Get the point (x) x=self.population[i] # Generate mutant (y) y=self.population[a]+self.w*(self.population[b]-self.population[c]) # Place it inside the box self.bound(y) # Generate ndim random numbers from 0..1 # uvec=random(self.ndim) uvec=self.randGen.rand(self.ndim) # Crossover x and y, use components of y with probability self.pc yind=where(uvec<self.pc)[0] z=x.copy() z[yind]=y[yind] return z
# Generate evaluators for points from the initial population def initPopJobGen(self): for ii in range(self.population.shape[0]): if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("DEOPT", "Inital point evaluation #%d" % ii) x=self.population[ii,:] yield self.getEvaluator(x) # Handle the result of an initial population point evaluation def initPopJobCol(self): while True: index, job, retval = (yield) evf, args = job x=args[0] if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("DEOPT", "Inital point evaluation result received #%d" % index) f, annot = retval self.newResult(x, f, annot) self.fpopulation[index]=f
[docs] def check(self): """ Checks the optimization algorithm's settings and raises an exception if something is wrong. """ BoxConstrainedOptimizer.check(self) # We require box constraints if (self.xlo is None): raise Exception(DbgMsg("DEOPT", "Lower bound is not defined.")) if (self.xhi is None): raise Exception(DbgMsg("DEOPT", "Upper bound is not defined.")) # Check if constraints are finite if (~isfinite(self.xlo)).any() or (~isfinite(self.xhi)).any(): raise Exception(DbgMsg("DEOPT", "Bounds must be finite.")) # Check population size if self.Np<3: raise Exception(DbgMsg("DEOPT", "Population must have at least 3 points.")) # Check differential weight if self.w<0.0 or self.w>2.0: raise Exception(DbgMsg("DEOPT", "Differential weight must be from [0,2] interval.")) # Check crossover probability if self.pc<0.0 or self.pc>1.0: raise Exception(DbgMsg("DEOPT", "Crossover probability must be from [0,1] interval."))
[docs] def reset(self, x0=None): """ Puts the optimizer in its initial state. *x* is eiter the initial point (which must be within bounds and is ignored) or the initial population in the form of a 2-dimensional array or list where the first index is the population member index while the second index is the component index. The initial population must lie within bounds *xlo* and *xhi* and have *populationSize* members. If *x* is ``None`` the initial population is generated automatically. In this case *xlo* and *xhi* determine the dimension of the problem. See the :meth:`initialPopulation` method. """ if x0 is None: # Generate a point within bounds, use xlo and xhi for dimension x0=zeros(len(self.xlo)) self.bound(x0) else: # Make it an array x0=array(x0) if len(x0.shape)==2: # Initial population if x0.shape[0]!=self.Np: raise Exception(DbgMsg("DEOPT", "Initial population has must have %d members." % self.Np)) # Take first point to get the dimension BoxConstrainedOptimizer.reset(self, x0[0]) # Check if the population is within bounds if (x0<self.xlo).any() or (x0>self.xhi).any(): raise Exception(DbgMsg("DEOPT", "Initial population is outside bounds.")) # Set initial population self.population=x0.copy() self.fpopulation=zeros(self.Np) elif len(x0.shape)==1: # Use the point to get the dimension of the problem. # Generate initial population. BoxConstrainedOptimizer.reset(self, x0) # Initialize population self.population=self.initialPopulation() self.fpopulation=zeros(self.Np) else: raise Exception(DbgMsg("DEOPT", "Only initial point (1D) or population (2D) can be set."))
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the algorithm. """ # Reset stop flag of the Optimizer class self.stop=False # Evaluate initial population in parallel if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("DEOPT", "Evaluating initial population") cOS.dispatch( jobList=self.initPopJobGen(), collector=self.initPopJobCol(), remote=self.spawnerLevel<=1 ) # Index of point being processed self.ip=0 # Main loop tidStatus={} # Status storage # Run until stop flag set and all tasks are joined while not (self.stop and len(tidStatus)==0): # Spawn tasks if slots are available and maximal number of tasks is not reached # Spawn one task if there are no tasks while ( # Spawn global search if stop flag not set not self.stop and ( # no tasks running, need at least one task, spawn len(tidStatus)==0 or # too few slaves in a parallel environment, force spawn regardless of free slots (cOS.slots()>0 and len(tidStatus)<self.minSlaves) or # free slots (with joined tasks) available and less than maximal slaves, spawn (cOS.freeSlots()-cOS.finishedTasks()>0 and (self.maxSlaves is None or len(tidStatus)<self.maxSlaves)) ) ): # Generate offspring in round-robin fashion # We are trying to replace point ip z=self.generatePoint(self.ip) # Prepare evaluator evaluator=self.getEvaluator(z) # Spawn a global search task tid=cOS.Spawn(evaluator[0], args=evaluator[1], remote=self.spawnerLevel<=1, block=True) # Store the job tidStatus[tid]={ 'ip': self.ip, 'z': z.copy(), 'job': evaluator, } # Go to next parent self.ip = (self.ip + 1) % self.Np if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("DEOPT", "Started point evaluation, task "+str(tid)) # If there are no free slots left, stop spawning if cOS.freeSlots()<=0: break # Join task tid,retval = cOS.Join(block=True).popitem() st=tidStatus[tid] del tidStatus[tid] # Get index and point ip=st['ip'] x=st['z'] if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("DEOPT", "Received point "+str(ip)+" from task "+str(tid)) # Get result, register it f, annot = retval self.newResult(x, f, annot) # Store in population if new point is better if self.fpopulation[ip]>f: self.population[ip]=x self.fpopulation[ip]=f