11.8. Inspecting a results database file from command lineΒΆ

The results database of a design task is stored in a SQLite database file. The content of this file can be inspected from the command line. The tool for this task is the PyOPUS results file inspector (pyori). It can be invoked from the command line eqither by typing

pyori [arguments]


python3 -m pyopus.design.sqlite

If you call it without arguments a short help note will be printed. To print the results tree, use

pyori <database file.sqlite>

To inspect the tree stored in corners.sqlite one would type

pyori corners.sqlite tree

or simply

pyori corners.sqlite

A typical output looks like

Children of root record
1  : corners (Task, children=7)
2  :   Aggregator setup (TaskCBD)
3  :   Pass 1 verification (OptIter)
4  :   Pass 1 optimization (Corners, children=14)
5  :     Iteration 1 (OptIter)
6  :     Iteration 2 (OptIter)
7  :     Iteration 24 (OptIter)
8  :     Iteration 66 (OptIter)
9  :     Iteration 88 (OptIter)
10 :     Iteration 138 (OptIter)
11 :     Iteration 187 (OptIter)
12 :     Iteration 188 (OptIter)
13 :     Iteration 189 (OptIter)
14 :     Iteration 239 (OptIter)
15 :     Iteration 259 (OptIter)
16 :     Iteration 277 (OptIter)
17 :     Iteration 291 (OptIter)
18 :     Iteration 298 (OptIter)
19 :   Pass 2 verification (OptIter)
20 :   Pass 2 optimization (Corners, children=9)
21 :     Iteration 1 (OptIter)
22 :     Iteration 2 (OptIter)
23 :     Iteration 20 (OptIter)
24 :     Iteration 68 (OptIter)
25 :     Iteration 160 (OptIter)
26 :     Iteration 161 (OptIter)
27 :     Iteration 162 (OptIter)
28 :     Iteration 226 (OptIter)
29 :     Iteration 289 (OptIter)
30 :   Pass 3 verification (OptIter)
31 :   Task summary (Conclusion)

Every row corresponds to one node. Children are indented with respect to their parent. Every line starts with the node ID followed by a description. For every node the type of the node is printed in parenthesis. For nodes that have children the number of children is also printed.

Every node has one or more aspects associated with it. To print the list of aspects available for a particular node, use

pyori <database file.sqlite> aspects <node id>

To print the list of availabel aspects for node with ID=5, type

pyori corners.sqlite aspects 5

To print a particular aspect of a node, type

pyori <database file.sqlite> print <node id> <aspect>

For instance, to print the cost aspect of node with ID=5, type

pyori corners.sqlite print 5 cost

The output should look like this.

Id      : 5
Parent  : 4
Name    : Iteration 1
Type    : OptIter
Time    : 1536323228.03 (2018-09-07 14:27:08)

     isup < 1.000000e-03   worst=2.371893e-04   cf=0.000000e+00   c8_wp_thi_vhi
  vgs_drv > 0.000000e+00   worst=5.140638e-02   cf=0.000000e+00   c1_wo_tlo_vlo
  vds_drv > 0.000000e+00 o worst=-5.315156e-01  cf=9.712724e-01   c9_ws_tlo_vlo
    swing > 1.000000e+00 o worst=2.228083e-03   cf=9.977719e-01   c11_ws_thi_vlo
     gain > 6.000000e+01 o worst=-8.424399e+01  cf=2.404066e+00   c3_wo_thi_vlo
     ugbw > 1.000000e+07 X in 1 corner(s)       cf=1.000000e+06   c11_ws_thi_vlo
       pm > 5.000000e+01 X in 1 corner(s)       cf=1.000000e+06   c3_wo_thi_vlo
 overshdn < 1.000000e-01 . worst=3.217488e-01   cf=0.000000e+00   c1_wo_tlo_vlo
 overshup < 1.000000e-01 . worst=3.672204e-01   cf=0.000000e+00   c2_wo_tlo_vhi
   tsetdn < 1.000000e-06 . worst=9.995923e-06   cf=0.000000e+00   c3_wo_thi_vlo
   tsetup < 1.000000e-03   worst=9.936220e-06   cf=0.000000e+00   c11_ws_thi_vlo
   slewdn > 2.000000e+06 . worst=5.705511e+03   cf=0.000000e+00   c1_wo_tlo_vlo
   slewup > 2.000000e+06 . worst=7.656355e+02   cf=0.000000e+00   c9_ws_tlo_vlo
     cmrr > 9.000000e+01 o worst=-3.378792e+01  cf=1.375421e+00   c9_ws_tlo_vlo
 psrr_vdd > 6.000000e+01 o worst=-8.438008e+01  cf=2.406335e+00   c3_wo_thi_vlo
 psrr_vss > 6.000000e+01 o worst=-1.961312e+01  cf=1.326885e+00   c9_ws_tlo_vlo
     area < 9.000000e-09   worst=3.961832e-09   cf=0.000000e+00   nominal

cost function value = 2.000009e+06

The node ID, parent’s ID, node name, node type, and timepoint are printed followed by the desired node’s aspect.

To print all aspects for a particular node, use

pyori <database file.sqlite> print <node id>

An example:

pyori corners.sqlite print 5

would print

Id      : 5
Parent  : 4
Name    : Iteration 1
Type    : OptIter
Time    : 1536323228.03 (2018-09-07 14:27:08)

mirr_w  = 7.469932e-05
mirr_wd = 9.000483e-05
mirr_wo = 5.649412e-05
mirr_l  = 9.164715e-07
mirr_ld = 2.846626e-06
out_w   = 4.068112e-05
out_l   = 1.538790e-06
load_w  = 2.583243e-06
load_l  = 1.664465e-06
diff_w  = 4.843694e-05
diff_l  = 2.357611e-06
c_out   = 1.218229e-11
r_out   = 1.670807e+05

isup     : c8_wp_thi_vhi        =   2.371893e-04
vgs_drv  : c1_wo_tlo_vlo [xmn1] =   5.963990e-01
         :               [xmn2] =   1.864802e-01
         :               [xmn3] =   5.140638e-02
         :               [xmn4] =   8.635486e-02
         :               [xmn5] =   5.140648e-02
         :               [xmp1] =   9.767202e-01
         :               [xmp2] =   9.767202e-01
         :               [xmp3] =   9.586674e-01
vds_drv  : c9_ws_tlo_vlo [xmn1] =  -4.038200e-01 Low
         :               [xmn2] =  -3.593675e-02 Low
         :               [xmn3] =   4.920940e-01
         :               [xmn4] =   9.301180e-02
         :               [xmn5] =   1.576456e+00
         :               [xmp1] =   8.820300e-01
         :               [xmp2] =   8.160324e-01
         :               [xmp3] =  -5.315156e-01 Low
swing    : c11_ws_thi_vlo       =   2.228083e-03 Low
gain     : c3_wo_thi_vlo        =  -8.424399e+01 Low
         : c7_wp_thi_vlo        =  -6.559552e+01 Low
         : c9_ws_tlo_vlo        =  -5.553984e+01 Low
gain_com : c9_ws_tlo_vlo        =  -2.175192e+01
gain_vdd : c3_wo_thi_vlo        =   1.360908e-01
gain_vss : c9_ws_tlo_vlo        =  -3.592672e+01
ugbw     : c11_ws_thi_vlo       =                Failed
pm       : c3_wo_thi_vlo        =                Failed
overshdn : c1_wo_tlo_vlo        =   3.217488e-01 High
overshup : c2_wo_tlo_vhi        =   3.672204e-01 High
tsetdn   : c3_wo_thi_vlo        =   9.995923e-06 High
tsetup   : c11_ws_thi_vlo       =   9.936220e-06
slewdn   : c1_wo_tlo_vlo        =   5.705511e+03 Low
slewup   : c9_ws_tlo_vlo        =   7.656355e+02 Low
cmrr     : c9_ws_tlo_vlo        =  -3.378792e+01 Low
psrr_vdd : c3_wo_thi_vlo        =  -8.438008e+01 Low
psrr_vss : c9_ws_tlo_vlo        =  -1.961312e+01 Low
area     : nominal              =   3.961832e-09

     isup < 1.000000e-03   worst=2.371893e-04   cf=0.000000e+00   c8_wp_thi_vhi
  vgs_drv > 0.000000e+00   worst=5.140638e-02   cf=0.000000e+00   c1_wo_tlo_vlo
  vds_drv > 0.000000e+00 o worst=-5.315156e-01  cf=9.712724e-01   c9_ws_tlo_vlo
    swing > 1.000000e+00 o worst=2.228083e-03   cf=9.977719e-01   c11_ws_thi_vlo
     gain > 6.000000e+01 o worst=-8.424399e+01  cf=2.404066e+00   c3_wo_thi_vlo
     ugbw > 1.000000e+07 X in 1 corner(s)       cf=1.000000e+06   c11_ws_thi_vlo
       pm > 5.000000e+01 X in 1 corner(s)       cf=1.000000e+06   c3_wo_thi_vlo
 overshdn < 1.000000e-01 . worst=3.217488e-01   cf=0.000000e+00   c1_wo_tlo_vlo
 overshup < 1.000000e-01 . worst=3.672204e-01   cf=0.000000e+00   c2_wo_tlo_vhi
   tsetdn < 1.000000e-06 . worst=9.995923e-06   cf=0.000000e+00   c3_wo_thi_vlo
   tsetup < 1.000000e-03   worst=9.936220e-06   cf=0.000000e+00   c11_ws_thi_vlo
   slewdn > 2.000000e+06 . worst=5.705511e+03   cf=0.000000e+00   c1_wo_tlo_vlo
   slewup > 2.000000e+06 . worst=7.656355e+02   cf=0.000000e+00   c9_ws_tlo_vlo
     cmrr > 9.000000e+01 o worst=-3.378792e+01  cf=1.375421e+00   c9_ws_tlo_vlo
 psrr_vdd > 6.000000e+01 o worst=-8.438008e+01  cf=2.406335e+00   c3_wo_thi_vlo
 psrr_vss > 6.000000e+01 o worst=-1.961312e+01  cf=1.326885e+00   c9_ws_tlo_vlo
     area < 9.000000e-09   worst=3.961832e-09   cf=0.000000e+00   nominal

cost function value = 2.000009e+06