5.9. pyopus.problems.karmitsa
— Large scale nonsmooth test functions (Karmitsa set)

Large scale nonsmooth test functions (Karmitsa set) (PyOPUS subsystem name: KARMITSA)
This module is independent of PyOPUS, meaning that it can be taken as is
and used as a module in some other package. It depends only on the cpi
and the _karmitsa
Karmitsa N.: Test Problems for Large-Scale Nonsmooth Minimization, Technical report B.4/2007, University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla, 2007.
- class pyopus.problems.karmitsa.LSNSB(name=None, number=None, n=2, feasible=1)[source]
Bound constrained problems from the Karmitsa test suite.
name - problem name
number - problem number (0-9)
n - problem dimension
feasible - 0=initial point unchanged, 1=feasible, 2=strictly feasible, default=1
- problem namen
- number of variablesxl
- lower bounds on variablesxh
- upper bounds on variablesinitial
- initial values of variablesfmin
- best known minimum
This module is independent of PyOPUS, meaning that it can be taken as is and used as a module in some other package. It depends only on the cpi and the _karmitsa modules.
- cpi()[source]
Returns the common problem interface.
Subgradient is not supported.
xmin is also not available.
See the
class for more information.
- names = ['GeneralizedMAXQ', 'GeneralizedMXHILB', 'ChainedLQ', 'ChainedCB3I', 'ChainedCB3II', 'ActiveFaces', 'GeneralizedBrown2', 'ChainedMifflin2', 'ChainedCrescentI', 'ChainedCrescentII']
List of all function names
- class pyopus.problems.karmitsa.LSNSI(name=None, number=None, cname=None, cnumber=None, n=10)[source]
Inequality constrained problems from the Karmitsa test suite.
name - function name
number - function number (0-9)
cname - constraint name
cnumber - constraint number (0-7)
n - problem dimension
- problem namefname
- function namecname
- constraint namen
- number of variablesm
- number of constraintscl
- lower bounds on constraint functionsch
- upper bounds on constraint functionsinitial
- initial values of variables
This module is independent of PyOPUS, meaning that it can be taken as is and used as a module in some other package. It depends only on the cpi and the _karmitsa modules.
- cnames = ['TridiagonalI', 'TridiagonalII', 'MAD1I', 'MAD1II', 'ModifiedMAD1I', 'ModifiedMAD1II', 'P20I', 'P20II']
List of all constraint names
- cpi()[source]
Returns the common problem interface.
Subgradient is not supported.
xmin is also not available.
See the
class for more information.
- names = ['GeneralizedMAXQ', 'GeneralizedMXHILB', 'ChainedLQ', 'ChainedCB3I', 'ChainedCB3II', 'ActiveFaces', 'GeneralizedBrown2', 'ChainedMifflin2', 'ChainedCrescentI', 'ChainedCrescentII']
List of all function names
- class pyopus.problems.karmitsa.LSNSU(name=None, number=None, n=2)[source]
Unconstrained problems from the Karmitsa test suite. Problems 10 and 11 were added by Á. Bűrmen.
name - problem name
number - problem number (0-11)
n - problem dimension
- problem namen
- number of variablesinitial
- initial values of variablesfmin
- best known minimum
This module is independent of PyOPUS, meaning that it can be taken as is and used as a module in some other package. It depends only on the cpi and the _karmitsa modules.
- cpi()[source]
Returns the common problem interface.
Subgradient is not supported.
xmin is also not available.
See the
class for more information.
- names = ['GeneralizedMAXQ', 'GeneralizedMXHILB', 'ChainedLQ', 'ChainedCB3I', 'ChainedCB3II', 'ActiveFaces', 'GeneralizedBrown2', 'ChainedMifflin2', 'ChainedCrescentI', 'ChainedCrescentII', 'GeneralizedL1HILB', 'GeneralizedWatson']
List of all function names
Example file karmitsa.py in folder demo/problems/
# Karmitsa test suite
from pyopus.problems.karmitsa import *
if __name__=='__main__':
print("Unconstrained, n=50")
for ii in range(10):
prob=LSNSU(number=ii, n=50)
print("%d: %25s: f0=%e" % (ii, prob.name, prob.f(prob.initial)))
print("Bound constrained, n=50")
for ii in range(10):
prob=LSNSB(number=ii, n=50)
print("%d: %25s: f0=%e" % (ii, prob.name, prob.f(prob.initial)))
print("Inequality constrained, n=10")
for ii in range(10):
for jj in range(8):
prob=LSNSI(number=ii, cnumber=jj, n=10)
feas=((c>prob.cl) & (c<prob.ch)).all()
print("%d, %d: %30s: f0=%12.4e feas=%d" % (ii,jj, prob.name, prob.f(prob.initial), feas))