Source code for pyopus.evaluator.performance

.. inheritance-diagram:: pyopus.evaluator.performance
    :parts: 1
**System performance evaluation module (PyOPUS subsystem name: PE)**

A **system description module** is a fragment of simulated system description. 
Usually it corresponds to a file or a section of a library file. 

**Performance measure ordering** is a list of performance measure names that 
defines the order of performance measures. 

The **heads** data structure provides the list of simulators with available 
system description modules. The **analyses** data structure specifies the 
analyses that will be performed by the listed simulators. The **corners** data 
structure specifies the corners across which the systems will be evaluated. 
The **measures** data structure describes the performance measures which are 
extracted from simulation results. 

The **heads** data structure is a dictionary with head name for key. The values 
are also dictionaries describing a simulator and the description of the system 
to be simulated with the following keys:

* ``simulator`` - the name of the simulator to use 
  (see the :func:`pyopus.simulator.simulatorClass` function`for details on 
  how this name is resolved to a simulator class) or a simulator class
* ``settings`` - a dictionary specifying the keyword arguments passed to the 
  simulator object's constructor 
* ``moddefs`` - definition of system description modules 
* ``options`` - simulator options valid for all analyses performed by this 
  simulator. This is a dictionary with option name for key. 
* ``params`` - system parameters valid for all analyses performed in this 
  simulator. This is a dictionary with parameter name for key. 
The definition of system description modules in the ``moddefs`` dictionary 
member are themselves dictionaries with system description module name for key. 
Values are dictionaries using the following keys for describing a system 
description module 

* ``file`` - file name in which the system description module is described
* ``section`` - file section name where the system description module 
  description can be bound

Specifying only the ``file`` member translates into an ``.include`` simulator 
input directive (or its equivalent). If additionally the ``section`` member is 
also specified the result is a ``.lib`` directive (or its equivalent). 

The **analyses** data structure is a dictionary with analysis name for key. 
The values are also dictionaries describing an analysis using the following 
dictionary keys:

* ``head`` - the name of the head describing the simulator that will be used 
  for this analysis
* ``modules`` - the list of system description module names that form the 
  system description for this analysis 
* ``options`` - simulator options that apply only to this analysis. This is a 
  dictionary with option name for key. 
* ``params`` - system parameters that apply only to this analysis. This is a 
  dictionary with parameter name for key. 
* ``saves`` - a list of strings which evaluate to save directives specifying 
  what simulated quantities should be included in simulator's output. See 
  individual simulator classes in the :mod:`pyopus.simulator` module for the 
  available save directive generator functions. 
* ``command`` - a string which evaluates to the analysis directive for the 
  simulator. See individual simulator classes in the :mod:`pyopus.simulator` 
  module for the available analysis directive generator functions. 
  If set to ``None`` the analysis is a blank analysis and does not invoke the 
  simulator. Dependent measures are computed from the results of blank 
  analyses which include only the values of defined parameters and variables. 
The environment in which the strings in the ``saves`` member and the string in 
the ``command`` member are evaluated is simulator-dependent. See individual 
simulator classes in the :mod:`pyopus.simulator` module for details. 

The environment in which the ``command`` string is evaluated has a member 
named ``param``. It is a dictionary containing all system parameters defined  
for the analysis. It also contains all variables that are passed at evaluator 
construction (passed via the *variables* argument). The variables are also 
available during save directive evaluation. If a variable name conflicts with 
a save directive generator function or is named ``param`` the variable is 
not available. 

The **measures** data structure is a dictionary with performance measure name 
for key. The values are also dictionaries describing individual performance 
measures using the following dictionary keys

* ``analysis`` - the name of the analysis that produces the results from which 
  the performance measure's value is extracted. If this is a blank analysis 
  the measure is a dependent measure and can be computed from the values of 
  other measures). 
* ``corners`` - the list of corner names across which the performance measure 
  is evaluated. 
  If this list is omitted the measurement is evaluated across all 
  suitable corners. The list of such corners is generated in the constructor and 
  stored in the ``availableCornersForMeasure`` dictionary with measure name as 
  Measures that are dependencies for other measures can be evaluated across a 
  broader set of corners than specified by ``corners`` (if required). 
* ``expression`` - a string specifying a Python expression that evaluates to the 
  performance measure's value or a Python script that stores the result in a 
  variable baring the same name as the performance measure. 
  An alternative is to store the result of a script in a variable named 
* ``script`` - a string specifying a Python script that stores the performance 
  measure's value in a variable named ``__result``. The script is used only 
  when no ``expression`` is specified. This is obsolete. Use ``expression`` 
* ``vector`` - a boolean flag which specifies that a performance measure's 
  value may be a vector. If it is ``False`` and the obtained performance 
  measure value is not a scalar (or scalar-like) the evaluation is considered 
  as failed. Defaults to ``False``. 
* ``components`` - a string that evaluates to a list of names used for components 
  when the result of a measure is a vector. It is evaluated in an environment 
  where variables passed via the *variables* argument of the constructor are 
  available. If the resulting list is too short numeric indexes are used as 
  component names that are not defined by the list. 
* ``depends`` - an optional name list of measures required for evaluation of 
  this performance measure. Specified for dependent performance measures. 

If the ``analysis`` member is a blank analysis the performance measure is a 
dependent performance measure and is evaluated after all other (independent) 
performance measure have been evaluated. Dependent performance measures can 
access the values of independent performance measures through the ``result`` 
data structure. 

``expression`` and ``script`` are evaluated in an environment with the 
following members: 

* Variables passed at construction via the *variables* argument. If a variable 
  conflicts with any of the remaining variables it is not visible. 
* ``m`` - a reference to the :mod:`pyopus.evaluator.measure` module providing 
  a set of functions for extracting common performance measures from simulated 
* ``np`` - a reference to the NumPy module
* ``param`` - a dictionary with the values of system parameters that apply to 
  the particular analysis and corner used for obtaining the simulated response 
  from which the performance measure is being extracted. 
* Accessor functions provided by the results object. 
  These are not available for dependent measures. See classes derived 
  from the :class:`pyopus.simulator.base.SimulationResults` class. 
  The accessor functions are returned by the results object's 
  :meth:`driverTable` method. 
* ``result`` - a dictionary of dictionaries available to dependent performance 
  measures only. The first key is the performance measure name and the second 
  key is the corner name. The values represent performance measure values. 
  If a value is ``None`` the evaluation of the independent performance measure 
  failed in that corner. 
* ``cornerName`` - a string that reflects the name of the corner in which the 
  dependent performance measure is currently under evaluation. Not available 
  for independent performance measures. 

A corner definition is a synonym for a pair of a corner name and a head name 
for which we define a list of modules and parameters. A definition must be 

The **corners** data structure is a dictionary. Three types of key are allowed. 
  * corner_name - defines a corner for all defined heads. 
    This results in as many corner definitions as there are heads. 
  * corner_name, head_name - defines a corner for the specified head
    This results in one corner definition. 
  * corner_name, (head_name1, head_name2, ...) - defines a corner for the 
    specified heads. This results in as many corner definitions as there are 
    head names in the tuple. 

Values are dictionaries describing individual corners using the following 
dictionary keys: 

* ``modules`` - the list of system description module names that form the system 
  description in this corner
* ``params`` - a dictionary with the system parameters that apply only to 
  this corner

The **corners** data structure can be omitted by passing ``None`` to the :class:`PerformanceEvaluator` class constructor. In that case a corner named 
'default' with no modules and no parameters is defined for all heads. 

from ..optimizer.base import Plugin, Annotator
from numpy import array, ndarray, iscomplex, dtype
from sys import exc_info
from traceback import format_exception, format_exception_only
from ..simulator import simulatorClass
from ..simulator.base import BlankSimulationResults
from ..misc.debug import DbgMsgOut, DbgMsg
from ..misc.identify import locationID
from ..parallel.cooperative import cOS
from .. import PyOpusError
import os, tempfile, shutil

import pickle

from pprint import pprint

# Measurements and NumPy
from . import measure as m
import numpy as np

import sys

__all__ = [ 'PerformanceEvaluator', 'updateAnalysisCount', 'PerformanceAnnotator', 'PerformanceCollector' ] 

[docs]def updateAnalysisCount(count, delta, times=1): """ Updates the analysis counts in dictionary *count* by adding the values from dictionary *delta*. If *count* is not given the current count of every analysis is assumed to be zero. Returns the updated dictionary *count*. """ if count is None: count={} for name,value in delta.items(): if name not in count: count[name]=0 count[name]+=value*times return count
[docs]class PerformanceEvaluator: """ Performance evaluator class. Objects of this class are callable. The calling convention is ``object(paramDictionary)`` where *paramDictionary* is a dictionary of input parameter values. The argument can also be a list of dictionaries containing parameter values. The argument can be omitted (empty dictionary is passed). *heads*, *analyses*, *measures*, and *corners* specify the heads, the analyses, the corners, and the performance measures. If *corners* are not specified, a default corner named ``default`` is created. *activeMeasures* is a list of measure names that are evaluated by the evaluator. If it is not specified all measures are active. Active measures can be changed by calling the :meth:`setActiveMeasures` method. *cornerOrder* - specified the order in which corners should be listed in the output. If not specified a corner ordering is chosen automarically. The corner order is stored in the *cornerOrder* member. *fullEvaluation* - By default only those corner,analysis pairs are evaluated where at least one independent measure must be computed. Result files for evalauting dependent measures are generated only for corners where at least one independent measure is evaluated. When *fullEvaluation* is set to ``True`` all analyses across all available corners (for the analysis' head) are performed. Result files for dependent measure evaluation are generated for all available corners across all heads. *storeResults* - enables storing of simulation results in pickle files. Results are stored locally on the machine where the corresponding simulator job is run. The content of a results file is a pickled object of class derived from :class:`SimulationResults`. *resultsFolder* - specifies the folder where the results should be stored. When set to ``None`` the results are stored in the system's temporary folder. *resultsPrefix* - specifies the prefix for the results file names. A pickle file is prefixed by *resultsPrefix* followed by an id obtained from the :func:`misc.identify.locationID` function, job name, and an additional string that makes the file unique. The complete list of pickle files across hosts is stored in the ``resFiles`` member which is a dictionary. The key to this dictionary is a tuple comprising the host identifier (derived from the :class:`pyopus.parallel.vm.HostID` class) and a tuple comprising corner name and analysis name. Entries in this dictionary are full paths to pickle files. If files are stored locally (on the host where the host :class:`PerformanceEvaluator` was invoked) the host identifier is ``None``. Pickle files can be collected on the host that invoked the :class:`PerformanceEvaluator` by calling the :meth:`collectResultFiles` method or deleted by calling the :meth:`deleteResultFiles` method. *params* is a dictionary of parameters that have the same value every time the object is called. They should not be passed in the *paramDictionary* argument. This argument can also be a list of dictionaries (dictionaries are joined to obtain one dictionary). *variables* is a dictionary holding variables that are available during every performance measure evaluation. This can also be a list of dictionaries (dictionaries are joined). If *debug* is set to a nonzero value debug messages are generated at the standard output. Two debug levels are available (1 and 2). A higher *debug* value results in greater verbosity of the debug messages. Objects of this class construct a list of simulator objects based on the *heads* data structure. Every simulator object performs the analyses which list the corresponding head under ``head`` in the analysis description. Every analysis is performed across the set of corners obtained as the union of ``corners`` found in the descriptions of performance measures that list the corresponding analysis as their ``analysis``. The system description for an analysis in a corner is constructed from system description modules specified in the corresponding entries in *corners*, and *analyses* data structures. The definitions of the system description modules are taken from the *heads* data structure entry corresponding to the ``head`` specified in the description of the analysis (*analysis* data structure). System parameters for an analysis in a particular corner are obtained as the union of * the input parameters dictionary specified when an object of the :class:`PerformanceEvaluator` class is called * the ``params`` dictionary specified at evaluator construction. * the ``params`` dictionary of the *heads* data structure entry corresponding to the analysis * the ``params`` dictionary of the *corners* data structure entry corresponding to the corner * the ``params`` dictionary of the *analyses* data structure entry corresponding to the analysis If a parameter appears across multiple dictionaries the entries in the input parameter dictionary have the lowest priority and the entries in the ``params`` dictionary of the *analyses* have the highest priority. A similar priority order is applied to simulator options specified in the ``options`` dictionaries (the values from *heads* have the lowest priority and the values from *analyses* have the highest priority). The only difference is that here we have no options separately specified at evaluator construction because simulator options are always associated with a particular simulator (i.e. head). Independent performance measures (the ones with ``analysis`` not equal to ``None``) are evaluated before dependent performance measures (the ones with ``analysis`` set to ``None``). The evaluation results are stored in a dictionary of dictionaries with performance measure name as the first key and corner name as the second key. ``None`` indicates that the performance measure evaluation failed in the corresponding corner. Objects of this type store the number of analyses performed in the *analysisCount* member. The couter is reset at every call to the evaluator object. A call to an object of this class returns a tuple holding the results and the *analysisCount* dictionary. The results dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries where the first key represents the performance measure name and the second key represents the corner name. The dictionary holds the values of performance measure values across corners. If some value is ``None`` the performance measure evaluation failed for that corner. The return value is also stored in the *results* member of the :class:`PermormanceEvaluator` object. Lists of component names for measures that produce vectors are stored in the *componentNames* member as a dictionary with measure name for key. Simulator input and output files are deleted after a simulator job is completed and its results are evaluated. If *cleanupAfterJob* is ``False`` these files are not deleted. Consequently they accumulate on the harddrive. Call the :meth:`finalize` method to remove them manually. Note this not only cleans up all intermediate files, but also shuts down all simulators. If *spawnerLevel* is not greater than 1, evaluations are distributed across available computing nodes (that is unless task distribution takes place at a higher level). Every computing node evaluates one job group. See the :mod:`~pyopus.parallel.cooperative` module for details on parallel processing. More information on job groups can be found in the :mod:`~pyopus.simulator` module. """ # Constructor def __init__( self, heads, analyses, measures, corners=None, params={}, variables={}, activeMeasures=None, cornerOrder=None, paramTransform=None, fullEvaluation=False, storeResults=False, resultsFolder=None, resultsPrefix="", debug=0, cleanupAfterJob=True, spawnerLevel=1 ): # Debug mode flag self.debug=debug # Store problem self.heads=heads self.analyses=analyses self.measures=measures if corners is not None: self.corners=corners else: # Construct default corner with no modules and no params self.corners={ 'default': { 'modules': [], 'params': {} } } self.fullEvaluation=fullEvaluation self.storeResults=storeResults self.resultsFolder=resultsFolder self.resultsPrefix=resultsPrefix self.cornerOrder=cornerOrder self.paramTransform=paramTransform self.spawnerLevel=spawnerLevel self.cleanupAfterJob=cleanupAfterJob # Set fixed parameters self.setParameters(params) # Set fixed variables self.skipCompile=True self.setVariables(variables) self.skipCompile=False # Set active measures and compile self.setActiveMeasures(activeMeasures) # Results of the performance evaluation self.results=None # Input parameters self.inputParams={} # Analysis count self.analysisCount={} self.resetCounters() # Evaluate measure component names self.componentNames={} for measureName, measure in self.measures.items(): if 'vector' in measure and measure['vector'] and 'components' in measure: self.componentNames[measureName]=self.evaluateComponentNames(measureName, measure, self.fixedVariables) # Evaluate component names for a measure @classmethod def evaluateComponentNames(cls, measureName, measure, variables={}): compExpr=measure['components'] tmpLocals={} tmpLocals.update(variables) try: names=eval(compExpr, globals(), tmpLocals) except Exception as e: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", ("Failed to evaluate component names expression for measure '%s'.\n" % (measureName))+str(e))) if type(names) is not list: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Component names expression for measure '%s' does not produce a list." % (measureName))) ii=0 for name in names: if type(name) is not str: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Component names list member %d for measure '%s' is not a string." % (ii, measureName))) ii+=1 return names # Generate sets of possible corners for all measures def availableCornerListsForMeasures(self): # Go through independent measures, get heads, build corner lists measure2possibleCorners={} for measureName, measure in self.measures.items(): if measure['analysis'] is None: continue analysisName=measure['analysis'] if analysisName not in self.analyses: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Measure '%s' is based on an undefined analysis '%s'." % (measureName, analysisName))) headName=self.analyses[analysisName]['head'] if headName not in self.heads: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Analysis '%s' uses an undefined head '%s'." % (analysisName, headName))) # Corners that are defined for that particular head availableCorners=set(self.cornersHC[headName].keys()) if len(availableCorners)<=0: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Measure '%s' has no available corners." % (measureName))) measure2possibleCorners[measureName]=availableCorners return measure2possibleCorners # Corner list/set dictionary # Convert sets to lists, sort in corner order def sortCornerListDict(self, cornerListDict): res={} for key, clist in cornerListDict.items(): if self.cornerOrder is None: res[key]=list(clist) else: cs=set(clist) l=[] for c in self.cornerOrder: if c in cs: l.append(c) res[key]=l return res @staticmethod def buildHCLists(heads, corners): # Build defined modules sets for heads definedModulesSets={} for headName, head in heads.items(): # Check heads for simulator and moddefs if 'simulator' not in head: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "No simulator specified for head '%s'." % headName)) if 'moddefs' not in head or len(head['moddefs'])<1: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "No definitions specified for head '%s'." % headName)) definedModulesSets[headName]=set(head['moddefs'].keys()) # Head names headNames=heads.keys() # Double dictionary holding corner definitions, first key is head cornersHC={} # Double dictionary holding corner definitions, first key is corner name cornersCH={} # Fill them with corner definitions for key, cdef in corners.items(): if type(key) is tuple: # corner name, head name or tuple of heads cornerName, headList = key if type(headList) is not tuple: headList=(headList,) else: # corner name cornerName, headList = key, headNames # Go through heads for headName in headList: # Sanity checks cornerModulesSet=set(cdef['modules']) missingSet=cornerModulesSet.difference( definedModulesSets[headName] ) if headName not in heads: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Corner '%s' uses an undefined head '%s'." % (cornerName, headName))) if len(missingSet)>0: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Module '%s' used by corner '%s' is not defined in head '%s'." % (missingSet.pop(), cornerName, headName))) if len(cornerModulesSet)>len(cdef['modules']): raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "List of modules for corner '%s' contains duplicates." % (cornerName))) # Add to cornersHC if headName not in cornersHC: cornersHC[headName]={} if cornerName in cornersHC[headName]: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Corner '%s' defined multiple times for head '%s'." % (cornerName, headName))) cornersHC[headName][cornerName]=cdef # Add to cornersCH if cornerName not in cornersCH: cornersCH[cornerName]={} cornersCH[cornerName][headName]=cdef return cornersHC, cornersCH, definedModulesSets def _compile(self): """ Prepares internal structures for faster processing. This function should never be called by the user. """ # Double dictionary holding corner definitions, first key is head # Double dictionary holding corner definitions, first key is corner name # Sets of defined modules per head self.cornersHC, self.cornersCH, definedModulesSets = PerformanceEvaluator.buildHCLists( self.heads, self.corners ) # List of dependent measures dependentMeasures=set() for measureName in self.activeMeasures: # Get analysis name analysisName=self.measures[measureName]['analysis'] # Sanity check if measureName not in self.measures: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Measure '%s' is not defined." % measureName)) if analysisName not in self.analyses: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Measure '%s' is based on an undefined analysis '%s'." % (measureName, analysisName))) if (self.analyses[analysisName]['command'] is None): dependentMeasures.add(measureName) # Check dependent measure's dependencies for measureName in dependentMeasures: if not 'depends' in self.measures[measureName]: continue dependencyNames=self.measures[measureName]['depends'] # Sanity check if len(set(dependencyNames))!=len(dependencyNames): raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "List of dependencies for measure '%s' contains duplicates." % (measureName))) for dependencyName in dependencyNames: if dependencyName not in self.measures: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Dependent measure '%s' depends on an undefined measure '%s'." % (measureName, dependencyName))) if dependencyName in dependentMeasures: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Dependent measure '%s' depends on another dependent measure '%s'." % (measureName, dependencyName))) # Generate sets of available corners for measures (m2c) and # all corners where at least one measure is evaluated (allc) # Note that the 'default' corner is already there # This also does some heavy duty sanity checks m2c = self.availableCornerListsForMeasures() # Sets of corners defined for heads (h2c) h2c={ headName: set(corners.keys()) for headName, corners in self.cornersHC.items() } # Default corner order if self.cornerOrder is None: # All defined corners across all heads allDefinedCorners=list(self.cornersCH.keys()) self.cornerOrder=allDefinedCorners # Construct list of all measures that need to be computed based on activeMeasures computedMeasures=set(self.activeMeasures) # Build a list of measures that are actually going to be evaluated (include dependencies) # Repeat this until no more measures are added while True: # Go through all measures and add all dependancies candidates=[] for measureName in computedMeasures: if 'depends' in self.measures[measureName]: deps=self.measures[measureName]['depends'] candidates.extend(deps) # Form union oldLen=len(computedMeasures) computedMeasures=computedMeasures.union(candidates) if len(computedMeasures)==oldLen: break # Store names of measures to compute self.computedMeasures=computedMeasures # Dependent measures that are going to be computed, duplicate corner check computedDependentMeasures=set() for measureName in computedMeasures: # Check for duplicate corners in measure definitions if ( 'corners' in self.measures[measureName] and len(self.measures[measureName]['corners'])!=len(set(self.measures[measureName]['corners'])) ): raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Measure '%s' has duplicate corners listed." % (measureName))) if 'depends' in self.measures[measureName]: computedDependentMeasures.add(measureName) # Store names of dependent measures to compute self.computedDependentMeasures=computedDependentMeasures # Build a dictionary with head name as key containing lists of analyses that use a particular head head2an={} for (name, an) in self.analyses.items(): headName=an['head'] # Sanity check if headName not in self.heads: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Head '%s' used by analysis '%s' is not defined." % (headName, name))) if headName not in head2an: head2an[headName]=[name] else: head2an[headName].append(name) # Store head2an and sort the lists self.head2an=head2an for (headName, anList) in self.head2an.items(): anList.sort() # These lists take into account dependencies # List of corners to evaluate for every analysis (including None) an2corners={} # List of corners for all measures with analysis None measure2corners={} # List of measures evaluated for every (corner, analysis) pair key2measures={} # Go through measures that are going to be computed for measureName in self.computedMeasures: measure=self.measures[measureName] anName=measure['analysis'] possibleCorners=m2c[measureName] # Check if all listed corners are possible for this measure if 'corners' in measure: listedCorners=set(measure['corners']) undefSet=listedCorners.difference(possibleCorners) if len(undefSet)>0: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Corner '%s' listed in defintion of measure '%s' is not available for this measure." % (undefSet.pop(), measureName))) cornerNames=listedCorners else: # Use availabe corners cornerNames=m2c[measureName] # Use listed corners if given, otherwise use availabe corners cornerNames=listedCorners if 'corners' in measure else m2c[measureName] # Add to list of corners for analysis if anName not in an2corners: an2corners[anName]=set([]) an2corners[anName].update(cornerNames) # Add to list of corners for measure if measureName not in measure2corners: measure2corners[measureName]=set() measure2corners[measureName].update(set(cornerNames)) # For dependent measures, handle dependencies if measureName in computedDependentMeasures: # Add to list of corners for dependencies for depName in measure['depends']: depAnName=self.measures[depName]['analysis'] # Add to list of corners for the analysis corresponding to the dependency if depAnName not in an2corners: an2corners[depAnName]=set([]) an2corners[depAnName].update(cornerNames) # Add to list of list of corners for measures with named analyses if depName not in measure2corners: measure2corners[depName]=set() measure2corners[depName].update(cornerNames) # Full evaluation forced (all analyses in all corners) if self.fullEvaluation: # Independent analyses for anName, an in self.analyses.items(): headName=an['head'] if anName not in an2corners: an2corners[anName]=set() an2corners[anName].update(h2c[headName]) # Put empty sets in key2measures for all corner, analysis pairs for anName, cset in an2corners.items(): for cornerName in cset: key=(cornerName, anName) key2measures[key]=set() # Build key2measures # Compute a measure in every corner where its analysis is computed for measureName in self.computedMeasures: measure=self.measures[measureName] anName=measure['analysis'] # Add only those measures that need to be evaluated for cornerName in measure2corners[measureName]: key=(cornerName,anName) if key not in key2measures: key2measures[key]=set([]) key2measures[key].add(measureName) # Convert all an2corners entries to lists an2corners={ name: list(s) for (name, s) in an2corners.items() } # Convert sets to lists, sort in corner order m2c=self.sortCornerListDict(m2c) an2corners=self.sortCornerListDict(an2corners) measure2corners=self.sortCornerListDict(measure2corners) # Avaliable corners for measures self.availableCornersForMeasure=m2c # Store an2corners, measure2corners, and key2measures. self.an2corners=an2corners self.measure2corners=measure2corners self.key2measures=key2measures # Build joblists for all heads, remember key=(corner,analysis) for every job. jobListForHead={} keyListForHead={} dependentJobListForHead={} dependentKeyListForHead={} # Go through all heads for (headName, anList) in head2an.items(): head=self.heads[headName] # For every head go through all analyses jobList=[] keyList=[] dependentJobList=[] dependentKeyList=[] for anName in anList: analysis=self.analyses[anName] # For every analysis go through all corners if anName in an2corners: for cornerName in an2corners[anName]: corner=self.cornersHC[headName][cornerName] # Create job for analysis in corner job={} key=(cornerName, anName) # job['name']="C"+cornerName+"A"+anName job['name']=cornerName+"."+anName job['command']=analysis['command'] if 'saves' in analysis: job['saves']=analysis['saves'] else: job['saves']=[] # Create a list of modules by joining analysis and corner lists. modules=[] if 'modules' in corner: modules.extend(corner['modules']) if 'modules' in analysis: modules.extend(analysis['modules']) # Search for duplicates. if len(modules)!=len(set(modules)): raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Duplicate modules in corner '%s', analysis '%s'." % (cornerName, anName))) # Translate to actual module definitions using information in the head. job['definitions']=[] for module in modules: # Sanity check if module not in head['moddefs']: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Module '%s' used by '%s/%s' is not defined." % (module,anName, cornerName))) job['definitions'].append(head['moddefs'][module]) # Merge params from head, corner, and analysis. params={} if 'params' in head: params.update(head['params']) # print "head", head['params'] if 'params' in corner: params.update(corner['params']) # print "corner", corner['params'] if 'params' in analysis: params.update(analysis['params']) # print "analysis", analysis['params'] job['params']=params # Build variables dictionary variables={} variables.update(self.fixedVariables) job['variables']=variables # Merge options from head, corner, and analysis. options={} if 'options' in head: options.update(head['options']) if 'options' in corner: options.update(corner['options']) if 'options' in analysis: options.update(analysis['options']) job['options']=options # Append to job list for this head. if job['command'] is not None: jobList.append(job) keyList.append(key) else: dependentJobList.append(job) dependentKeyList.append(key) # print cornerName, corner # print "comp job -- ", job # Store in jobListforHead (actual analyses) jobListForHead[headName]=jobList keyListForHead[headName]=keyList # Store in dependentJobListForHead (blank analyses) dependentJobListForHead[headName]=dependentJobList dependentKeyListForHead[headName]=dependentKeyList # Store jobListForHead and keyListForHead. self.jobListForHead=jobListForHead self.keyListForHead=keyListForHead self.dependentJobListForHead=dependentJobListForHead self.dependentKeyListForHead=dependentKeyListForHead # Build simulator objects, one for every head. # Build Local variable dictionaries for measurement evaluation. self.simulatorForHead={} for (headName, head) in self.heads.items(): # Get simulator class if type(head['simulator']) is str: try: SimulatorClass=simulatorClass(head['simulator']) except: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Simulator '"+head['simulator']+"' not found.")) else: SimulatorClass=head['simulator'] # Create simulator simulator=SimulatorClass(**(head['settings'] if 'settings' in head else {})) if headName in jobListForHead: simulator.setJobList(jobListForHead[headName]) self.simulatorForHead[headName]=simulator # Compile measures self.compiledMeasures={} self.isScript={} for measureName, measure in self.measures.items(): if "expression" not in measure: continue c, isScript = PerformanceEvaluator.compileMeasure( measureName, measure, self.debug ) self.compiledMeasures[measureName]=c self.isScript[measureName]=isScript if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("PE", " Simulator objects (%d): " % len(self.jobListForHead)) for (headName, jobList) in self.jobListForHead.items(): DbgMsgOut("PE", " %s: %d analyses" % (headName, len(jobList))) if self.debug>1: for job in jobList: DbgMsgOut("PE", " %s" % job['name']) DbgMsgOut("PE", " Heads with blank analyses (%d): " % len(self.dependentJobListForHead)) for (headName, jobList) in self.dependentJobListForHead.items(): DbgMsgOut("PE", " %s: %d analyses" % (headName, len(jobList))) if self.debug>1: for job in jobList: DbgMsgOut("PE", " %s" % job['name']) @classmethod def compileMeasure(cls, measureName, measure, debug): # Return compiled measure and isScript flag # Strip leading and trailing whitespace s=measure["expression"].strip() # Zero length means an error if len(s)<=0: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Measure expression/script '"+measureName+"' has zero length.")) # Assume it is an expression try: c=compile(measure["expression"], measureName+" expression/script", "eval") isScript=False except: # Failed, try to compile it as a script try: c=compile(measure["expression"], measureName+" expression/script", "exec") isScript=True except: # Report error ei=exc_info() txt1="Failed to compile measure '"+measureName+"'.\n" for line in format_exception(ei[0], ei[1], ei[2]): txt1+=line DbgMsgOut("PE", txt1) raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Failed to compile measure '"+measureName+".")) return c, isScript # For pickling def __getstate__(self): state=self.__dict__.copy() del state['head2an'] # lists of analyses for heads del state['an2corners'] # lists of corners for analyses (corner-analysis pairs to evaluate) del state['measure2corners'] # corners where measures need to be evaluated del state['key2measures'] # measures for every corner,analysis pair del state['availableCornersForMeasure'] # corners in which a measure can be evaluated del state['computedDependentMeasures'] # list of dependent measures that are going to be computed del state['jobListForHead'] # lists of jobs corresponding to analyses del state['keyListForHead'] # corresponding corner,analysis pairs del state['dependentJobListForHead'] # lists of jobs corresponding to blank analyses del state['dependentKeyListForHead'] # corresponding corner,analysis pairs del state['simulatorForHead'] # simulator objects del state['compiledMeasures'] # compiled measure expressions del state['isScript'] # flags indicating a measure expression is a script return state # For unpickling def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) self._compile() # Reconfigure fixed parameters
[docs] def setParameters(self, params): """ Sets the parameters dictionary. Can handle a list of dictionaries. """ if type(params) is list: inputList=params else: inputList=[params] self.fixedParameters={} for inputDict in inputList: self.fixedParameters.update(inputDict) if self.paramTransform is not None: self.paramTransform(self.fixedParameters, inPlace=True)
# Reset analysis counters
[docs] def resetCounters(self): """ Resets analysis counters to 0. """ self.analysisCount={} for name in self.analyses.keys(): self.analysisCount[name]=0
# Set the variables dictionary.
[docs] def setVariables(self, variables): """ Sets the variables dictionary. Can handle a list of dictionaries. """ if type(variables) is list: inputList=variables else: inputList=[variables] self.fixedVariables={} for inputDict in inputList: self.fixedVariables.update(inputDict) # Need to recompile because the jobs have changed if not self.skipCompile: self._compile()
# Reconfigure measures
[docs] def setActiveMeasures(self, activeMeasures=None): """ Sets the list of measures that are going to be evaluated. Specifying ``None`` as *activeMeasures* activates all measures. """ # Evaluate all measures by default if activeMeasures is not None: self.activeMeasures=activeMeasures else: self.activeMeasures=list(self.measures.keys()) # Compile if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("PE", "Compiling.") self._compile()
# Get active measures
[docs] def getActiveMeasures(self): """ Returns the names of the active measures. """ return self.activeMeasures
[docs] def getComputedMeasures(self): """ Returns the names of all measures that are computed by the evaluator. """ return self.computedMeasures
[docs] def getParameters(self): """ Returns the parameters dictionary. """ return self.fixedParameters
[docs] def getVariables(self): """ Returns the variables dictionary. """ return self.fixedVariables
# Return simulators dictionary.
[docs] def simulators(self): """ Returns the dictionary with head name for key holding the corresponding simulator objects. """ return self.simulatorForHead
# Cleanup simulator intermediate files and stop interactive simulators.
[docs] def finalize(self): """ Removes all intermediate simulator files and stops all interactive simulators. """ for (headName, simulator) in self.simulatorForHead.items(): simulator.cleanup() simulator.stopSimulator()
def generateJobs(self, inputParams): # Go through all simulators for (headName, simulator) in self.simulatorForHead.items(): if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("PE", " Simulator/head %s" % headName) # Get head. head=self.heads[headName] # Get job list. jobList=self.jobListForHead[headName] # Get key list. keyList=self.keyListForHead[headName] # Set input parameters. simulator.setInputParameters(inputParams) # Count job groups. ngroups=simulator.jobGroupCount() # Go through all job groups, prepare job for i in range(ngroups): yield ( self.processJob, [ headName, simulator, jobList, keyList, i, inputParams, self.isScript, self.key2measures, self.measures, self.storeResults, self.resultsFolder, self.resultsPrefix, self.cleanupAfterJob, self.debug ] ) @classmethod def evaluateMeasure(cls, evalEnvironment, measureName, measure, isScript, debug): # Returns measure value # TODO: maybe run it in a function so it has its own namespace # Evaluate measure, catch exception that occurs during evaluation. try: # Prepare evaluation environment, copy template tmpLocals={} tmpLocals.update(evalEnvironment) if measureName in isScript: if isScript[measureName]: # Handle as script # Do not use compiled version because no debug information is produced on errors exec(measure['expression'], globals(), tmpLocals) # Collect result if "__result" in tmpLocals: measureValue=tmpLocals['__result'] elif measureName in tmpLocals: measureValue=tmpLocals[measureName] else: measureValue=None else: # Handle as expression # Do not use compiled version because no debug information is produced on errors measureValue=eval(measure['expression'], globals(), tmpLocals) elif 'script' in measure: # Legacy 'script' exec(measure['script'], globals(), tmpLocals) measureValue=tmpLocals['__result'] else: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "No expression or script.")) if debug>1: DbgMsgOut("PE", " %s : %s" % (measureName, str(measureValue))) elif debug>0: DbgMsgOut("PE", " %s OK" % (measureName)) except KeyboardInterrupt: DbgMsgOut("PE", "Keyboard interrupt.") raise except: measureValue=None if debug: DbgMsgOut("PE", " %s FAILED" % measureName) ei=exc_info() if debug>1: for line in format_exception(ei[0], ei[1], ei[2]): DbgMsgOut("PE", " "+line) else: for line in format_exception_only(ei[0], ei[1]): DbgMsgOut("PE", " "+line) return measureValue @classmethod def _postprocessMeasure(cls, measureValue, isVector, debug): """ Postprocesses *measureValue* obtained by evaluating the ``script`` or the ``expression`` string describing the measurement. 1. Converts the result to an array. 2. Signals an error if the array type is complex. 3. Converts the array of values to a double floating point array. 4. If the array is empty (size==0) signals an error. 5. Signals an error if *isVector* is ``False`` and the array has size>1. 6. Scalarizes array (makes it a 0D array) if *isVector* is ``False``. """ # None indicates a failure, nothing further to do. if measureValue is not None: # Pack it in an array if type(measureValue) is not ndarray: # This will convert lists and tuples to arrays try: measureValue=array(measureValue) except KeyboardInterrupt: DbgMsgOut("PE", "keyboard interrupt") raise except: if debug: DbgMsgOut("PE", " Result can't be converted to an array.") measureValue=None # Was conversion successfull? if measureValue is not None: # It is an array # Check if it is complex if iscomplex(measureValue).any(): #if debug: # DbgMsgOut("PE", " Measurement produced a complex array.") #measureValue=None # Complex values are now allowed. They are treated as failures during normalization in the aggregator. pass elif measureValue.dtype is not dtype('float64'): # Not complex. Convert it to float64. # On conversion failure we get an exception and a failed measurement. try: measureValue=np.real(measureValue).astype(dtype('float64')) except KeyboardInterrupt: DbgMsgOut("PE", "keyboard interrupt") raise except: if debug: DbgMsgOut("PE", " Failed to convert result into a real array.") measureValue=None # Check if it is empty if measureValue is not None and measureValue.size==0: # TODO fix crash # It is empty, this is bad if debug: DbgMsgOut("PE", " Measurement produced an empty array.") measureValue=None # Scalarize if measurement is scalar if (measureValue is not None) and (not isVector): # We are expecting a scalar. if measureValue.size==1: # Scalarize it measureValue=measureValue.ravel()[0] else: # But we have a vector, bad if debug: DbgMsgOut("PE", " Scalar measurement produced a vector.") measureValue=None return measureValue @classmethod def processJob(cls, headName, simulator, jobList, keyList, i, inputParams, isScript, key2measures, measures, storeResults, resultsFolder, resultsPrefix, cleanupAfterJob, debug): # Run jobs in job group and collect results. (jobIndices, status)=simulator.runJobGroup(i) results={} analysisCount={} # Go through all job indices in i-th job group. resFiles={} for j in jobIndices: # Get (corner, analysis) key for j-th job. key=keyList[j] (cornerName, anName)=key job=jobList[j] # Load results (one job at a time to save memory). res=simulator.readResults(j, status) # Do we have a result? if res is None: # No. # Assume all measurements that depend on this analysis have failed if debug: DbgMsgOut("PE", " Corner: %s, analysis %s ... FAILED" % (cornerName, anName)) # Set corresponding measurements to None for measureName in key2measures[key] if key in key2measures else []: # Store result if measureName not in results: results[measureName]={} results[measureName][cornerName]=None if debug: DbgMsgOut("PE", " %s : FAILED" % measureName) else: # Yes, we have a result. if debug: DbgMsgOut("PE", " Corner: %s, analysis: %s ... OK" % (cornerName, anName)) # Prepare evaluation environment template evalEnvironment=res.evalEnvironment() # Update analysis counter if key[1] not in analysisCount: analysisCount[key[1]]=1 else: analysisCount[key[1]]+=1 # Go through all measurements for this key. for measureName in key2measures[key] if key in key2measures else []: # Get measure. measure=measures[measureName] # Evaluate it measureValue=cls.evaluateMeasure( evalEnvironment, measureName, measure, isScript, debug ) # Prepare measure storage (first evaluation corner) if measureName not in results: results[measureName]={} # Are we expecting a vector? isVector=bool(measure['vector']) if 'vector' in measure else False # Postprocess and store results[measureName][cornerName]=cls._postprocessMeasure(measureValue, isVector, debug) # Store simulator results in a temporary pickle file # If an analysis failed None is stored in the results file if storeResults: # namePrefix=resultsPrefix+locationID()+'_'+job['name']+"_" namePrefix=resultsPrefix+locationID()+'.'+job['name']+'.' tmpfh, filePath = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=namePrefix, dir=resultsFolder) fd=os.fdopen(tmpfh, "wb") pickle.dump(res, fd) fd.close() #os.fsync(tmpfh) #os.close(tmpfh) resFiles[key]=filePath # Clean up - if simulators writing to the same folder have same ID this causes a bug # where one simulator deletes files of an other simulator if cleanupAfterJob: simulator.cleanup() return results, analysisCount, resFiles def collectResults(self, analysisCount, results): while True: index, job, (res1, anCount, resFiles), hostID = (yield) for key, resFile in resFiles.items(): self.resFiles[(hostID, key)]=resFile updateAnalysisCount(analysisCount, anCount) for measName, cornerResults in res1.items(): if measName not in results: results[measName]={} for cornerName, value in cornerResults.items(): results[measName][cornerName]=value @classmethod def collectResultFilesWorker(cls, xferList, move): collected={} for localPath, abstractPath, (key, destinationFile) in xferList: destinationPath=cOS.toActualPath(abstractPath) try: if move: shutil.move(localPath, destinationPath) else: shutil.copy2(localPath, destinationPath) collected[key]=destinationFile except: pass return collected @classmethod def deleteResultFilesWorker(cls, localFilesList): status=[] for localPath in localFilesList: try: os.remove(localPath) status.append(True) except: status.append(False)
[docs] def collectResultFiles(self, destination, prefix="", move=True): """ Result files are always stored locally on the host where the corresponding simulator job was run. This function copies or moves them to the host where the :class:`PerformanceEvaluator` object was called to evaluate the circuit's performance. The files are stored in a folder specified by *destination*. *destination* must be mounted on all workers and must be in the path specified by the ``PARALLEL_MIRRORED_STORAGE`` environmental variable if parallel processing across multiple computers is used. If *destination* is a tuple it is assumed to be an abstract path returned by :meth:`pyopus.parallel.cooperative.cOS.toAbstractPath`. Abstract paths are valid across the whole cluster of computers as long as they refer to a shared folder listed in the ``PARALLEL_MIRRORED_STORAGE`` environmental variable. If *move* is set to ``True`` the original files are removed. The file name consists of *prefix*, corner name, analysis name, and ``.pck``. Returns a dictionary with (cornerName, analysisName) for key holding the corresponding result file names. """ # Prepare files dictionary files={} # Group keys by hosts toCollect={} for (host, key), localPath in self.resFiles.items(): if host not in toCollect: toCollect[host]=[] toCollect[host].append((key, localPath)) # If destination is a local path get the equivalent abstract path if type(destination) is str: abstractDestination=cOS.toAbstractPath(destination) else: abstractDestination=destination # Handle local files first if None in toCollect: for key, localPath in toCollect[None]: cornerName, analysisName = key #if analysisName is None: # destinationFile=prefix+cornerName+'.pck' #else: # destinationFile=prefix+cornerName+'_'+analysisName+'.pck' destinationFile=prefix+cornerName+'.'+analysisName+'.pck' # Combine abstract path with destination file name abstractDestinationPath=( abstractDestination[0], os.path.join( abstractDestination[1], destinationFile ) ) # Convert abstract destination file path to local path destinationPath=cOS.toActualPath(abstractDestinationPath) # Copy/move local file try: if move: shutil.move(localPath, destinationPath) else: shutil.copy2(localPath, destinationPath) files[key]=destinationFile except: pass # Remove local file entries from dictionary del toCollect[None] # Now handle remote files by spawning collect jobs tidList=set() for host, fileList in toCollect.items(): xferList=[] for key, localPath in fileList: cornerName, analysisName = key #if analysisName is None: # destinationFile=prefix+cornerName+'.pck' #else: # destinationFile=prefix+cornerName+'_'+analysisName+'.pck' destinationFile=prefix+cornerName+'.'+analysisName+'.pck' # Combine abstract path with destination file name abstractDestinationPath=( abstractDestination[0], os.path.join( abstractDestination[1], destinationFile ) ) # Add to xfer list xferList.append( (localPath, abstractDestinationPath, (key, destinationFile)) ) # Spawn tasks that do the copying tid=cOS.Spawn( self.collectResultFilesWorker, (xferList, move), remote=True, block=False, enqueue=True ) tidList.add(tid) # Join collect jobs while len(tidList)>0: jr=cOS.Join(block=True) for tid, retval in jr.items(): tidList.discard(tid) files.update(retval) return files
[docs] def deleteResultFiles(self): """ Removes the result files from all hosts where simulation jobs were run. """ # Group keys by hosts toCollect={} for (host, key), localPath in self.resFiles.items(): if host not in toCollect: toCollect[host]=[] toCollect[host].append((key, localPath)) # Handle local files first if None in toCollect: for key, localPath in toCollect[None]: try: os.remove(localPath) except: pass del toCollect[None] # Now handle remote files by spawning delete jobs tidList=set() for host, fileList in toCollect.items(): delList=[] for key, localPath in fileList: delList.append(localPath) tid=cOS.Spawn( self.deleteResultFilesWorker, (delList, ), remote=True, block=False, enqueue=True ) tidList.add(tid) # Join remove tasks while len(tidList)>0: jr=cOS.Join(block=True) for tid, retval in jr.items(): tidList.discard(tid)
def __call__(self, parameters={}): if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("PE", "Evaluation started.") # Reset counters self.resetCounters() # Clear results. self.results={} # Collect parameters when they are given as a list of dictionaries if type(parameters) is tuple or type(parameters) is list: srcList=parameters else: srcList=[parameters] inputParams1={} for subList in srcList: # Update parameter dictionary inputParams1.update(subList) if self.paramTransform is not None: self.paramTransform(inputParams1, inPlace=True) # Merge with fixed parameters inputParams={} inputParams.update(self.fixedParameters) inputParams.update(inputParams1) # Check for conflicts if len(inputParams)<len(inputParams1)+len(self.fixedParameters): # Find conflicts conflict=set(inputParams1.keys()).intersection(self.fixedParameters) raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Input parameters "+str(list(conflict))+" conflict with parameters specified at construction.")) # Store parameters self.inputParams=inputParams # Reset temporary results storage results={} analysisCount={} self.resFiles={} # Dispatch tasks cOS.dispatch( jobList=self.generateJobs(inputParams), collector=self.collectResults(analysisCount, results), collectHostIDs=True, remote=self.spawnerLevel<=1 ) # Store results self.results=results self.analysisCount=analysisCount # Handle blank analyses for headName in self.dependentJobListForHead.keys(): jobList=self.dependentJobListForHead[headName] keyList=self.dependentKeyListForHead[headName] # Go through jobs for job, (cornerName, analysisName) in zip(jobList, keyList): params={} params.update(inputParams) params.update(job['params']) res=BlankSimulationResults(params, job['variables'], self.results) # Store in a file if self.storeResults: # namePrefix=self.resultsPrefix+locationID()+"C"+cornerName+"_" namePrefix=self.resultsPrefix+locationID()+"."+job['name']+"." tmpfh, filePath = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=namePrefix, dir=self.resultsFolder) fd=os.fdopen(tmpfh, "wb") pickle.dump(res, fd) fd.close() # os.fsync(tmpfh) # os.close(tmpfh) # None host (local), None corner, None analysis self.resFiles[None,(cornerName,analysisName)]=filePath # Get corner corner=self.cornersHC[headName][cornerName] if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("PE", " Corner: %s, analysis: %s" % (cornerName, analysisName)) for measureName in self.key2measures[(cornerName, analysisName)]: # Get measure. measure=self.measures[measureName] # Prepare dictionary of local variables for measurement evaluation evalEnvironment=res.evalEnvironment() evalEnvironment['cornerName']=cornerName measureValue=PerformanceEvaluator.evaluateMeasure( evalEnvironment, measureName, measure, self.isScript, self.debug ) # Prepare measure storage (first evaluation corner) if measureName not in self.results: self.results[measureName]={} # Are we expecting a vector? isVector=bool(measure['vector']) if 'vector' in measure else False # Postprocess and store self.results[measureName][cornerName]=self._postprocessMeasure(measureValue, isVector, self.debug) return self.results, self.analysisCount
[docs] def formatResults(self, outputOrder=None, nMeasureName=10, nCornerName=6, nResult=12, nPrec=3): """ Formats a string representing the results obtained with the last call to this object. Generates one line for every performance measure evaluation in a corner. *outputOrder* (if given) specifies the order in which the performance measures are listed. *nMeasureName* specifies the formatting width for the performance measure name. *nCornerName* specifies the formatting width for the corner name. *nResult* and *nPrec* specify the formatting width and the number of significant digits for the performance measure value. """ # List of measurement names if outputOrder is None: # Default is sorted by name nameList=[] # for (measureName, measure) in self.measures.items(): for measureName in self.computedMeasures: measure=self.measures[measureName] nameList.append(measureName) nameList.sort() else: nameList=outputOrder # Format output outStr="" for measureName in nameList: if measureName not in self.measures: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("PE", "Measure '%s' is not defined." % measureName)) measure=self.measures[measureName] # Format measurement values first=True # cornerNames=self.availableCornersForMeasure[measureName] cornerNames=self.cornerOrder for cornerName in cornerNames: # Do we have a result entry if measureName not in self.results: continue if cornerName not in self.results[measureName]: continue # First header if first: header="%*s | " % (nMeasureName, measureName) # Result in one corner if self.results[measureName][cornerName] is None: textVal='%*s: %-*s' % (nCornerName, cornerName, nResult, 'FAILED') else: if self.results[measureName][cornerName].size==1: textVal="%*s: %*.*e" % (nCornerName, cornerName, nResult, nPrec, self.results[measureName][cornerName]) else: textVal="%*s: " % (nCornerName, cornerName) + str(self.results[measureName][cornerName]) # Append outStr+=header+textVal+"\n" # Remaining headers if first: first=False header="%*s | " % (nMeasureName, '') return outStr
# Return annotator plugin.
[docs] def getAnnotator(self): """ Returns an object of the :class:`PerformanceAnnotator` class which can be used as a plugin for iterative algorithms. The plugin takes care of cost function details (:attr:`results` member) propagation from the machine where the evaluation of the cost function takes place to the machine where the evaluation was requested (usually the master). """ return PerformanceAnnotator(self)
# Return collector plugin.
[docs] def getCollector(self): """ Returns an object of the :class:`PerformanceCollector` class which can be used as a plugin for iterative algorithms. The plugin gathers performance information from the :attr:`results` member of the :class:`PerformanceEvaluator` object across iterations of the algorithm. """ return PerformanceCollector(self)
# Default annotator for performance evaluator
[docs]class PerformanceAnnotator(Annotator): """ A subclass of the :class:`~pyopus.optimizer.base.Annotator` iterative algorithm plugin class. This is a callable object whose job is to * produce an annotation (details of the evaluated performance) stored in the *performanceEvaluator* object * update the *performanceEvaluator* object with the given annotation Annotation is a copy of the :attr:`results` member of *performanceEvaluator*. Annotators are used for propagating the details of the cost function from the machine where the evaluation takes place to the machine where the evaluation was requested (usually the master). """ def __init__(self, performanceEvaluator):
[docs] def produce(self): return,,,
[docs] def consume(self, annotation):[0][1][2][3]
# Performance record collector
[docs]class PerformanceCollector(Plugin, PerformanceAnnotator): """ A subclass of the :class:`~pyopus.optimizer.base.Plugin` iterative algorithm plugin class. This is a callable object invoked at every iteration of the algorithm. It collects the summary of the evaluated performance measures from the :attr:`results` member of the *performanceEvaluator* object (member of the :class:`PerformanceEvaluator` class). This class is also an annotator that collects the results at remote evaluation and copies them to the host where the remote evaluation was requested. Let niter denote the number of stored iterations. The *results* structures are stored in a list where the index of an entry represents the iteration number. The list can be obtained from the :attr:`performance` member of the :class:`PerformanceCollector` object. Some iterative algorithms do not evaluate iterations sequentially. Such algorithms denote the iteration number with the :attr:`index` member. If the :attr:`index` is not present in the iterative algorithm object the internal iteration counter of the :class:`PerformanceCollector` is used. If iterations are not performed sequentially the *performance* list may contain gaps where no valid *results* structure is found. Such gaps are denoted by ``None``. """ def __init__(self, performanceEvaluator): Plugin.__init__(self) PerformanceAnnotator.__init__(self, performanceEvaluator) # Performance evaluator object self.performanceEvaluator=performanceEvaluator # Colletion of performance records self.performance=[] # Local index - used when opt does not impose iteration ordering with an index member self.localIndex=0 def __call__(self, x, ft, opt): if 'index' in opt.__dict__: # Iteration ordering imposed by opt index = opt.index else: # No iteration ordering index = self.localIndex self.localIndex += 1 # Check if the index is inside the already allocated space -> if not allocate new space in memory while index >= len(self.performance): newelems=len(self.performance)-index+1 self.performance.extend([None]*newelems) # write data self.performance[index]=self.performanceEvaluator.results
[docs] def reset(self): """ Clears the :attr:`performance` member. """ self.performance=[]