Source code for pyopus.problems.lvns

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
.. inheritance-diagram:: pyopus.problems.lvns
    :parts: 1
**Nonsmooth test functions by Lukšan and Vlček 
(PyOPUS subsystem name: LVNS)**

This module is independent of PyOPUS, meaning that it can be taken as is 
and used as a module in some other package. It depends only on the :mod:`cpi` 
and the :mod:`_lvns` modules. 

The code in the binary module shares variables. Therefore the function should 
be created and then used immediately. Creating another function may change 
the previously created one. This sucks, but what can you do? I know! Rewrite the 
FORTRAN code :)

.. [lvns] Lukšan L., Vlček J.: Test Problems for Nonsmooth Unconstrained and 
          Linearly Constrained Optimization, Technical report V-798, 
          ICS AS CR, Prague, 2000. 
from . import _lvns
import os
import numpy as np
from .cpi import CPI, MemberWrapper, TestFunctionError
	from ..misc.debug import DbgMsg
	def DbgMsg(x, y):
		return x+": "+y

__all__ = [ 'UMM', 'UNS', 'LCMM' ]
[docs]class UMM(CPI): """ Unconstrained minimax problems from the Lukšan-Vlček test suite. * *name* - problem name * *number* - problem number (0-24) Attributes: * :attr:`name` - problem name * :attr:`n` - number of variables * :attr:`m` - number of partial functions * :attr:`initial` - initial values of variables * :attr:`fmin` - best known minimum All test functions in this class are maps from :math:`R^n` to :math:`R`. Every function is comprised of *m* partial functions .. math:: f_1(x) ... f_m(x) where *x* is a *n*-dimensional vector. The actual test function is then constructed as .. math:: f(x) = \\max_{i=1}^m f_i(x) or .. math:: f(x) = \\max_{i=1}^m \\left| f_i(x) \\right| """ fminTab=[ 1.9522245, 0.0, 0.0, 3.5997193, -44.0, -44.0, 0.42021427e-2, 0.50816327e-1, 0.80843684e-2, 115.70644, 0.26359735e-2, 0.20160753e-2, 0.12041887e-6, 0.12237125e-3, 0.22340496e-1, 0.34904926e-1, 0.19729063, 0.61852848e-2, 680.63006, 24.306209, 133.72828, 54.598150, 261.08258, 0.14743027e-7, 0.48027401e-1, ] names=[ "CB2", "WF", "SPIRAL", "EVD52", "RosenSuzuki", "Polak6", "PBC3", "Bard", "KowalikOsborne", "Davidon2", "OET5", "OET6", "GAMMA", "EXP", "PBC1", "EVD61", "Transformer", "Filter", "Wong1", "Wong2", "Wong3", "Polak2", "Polak3", "Watson", "Osborne2", ] "List of all function names" functionNumber=dict(zip(names, range(len(names))))
[docs] def setup(self): """ Initializes the binary implementation of the function. After this function is called no other function from the same test set may be created or initialized because that will change the internal variables and break the function. Returns an info structure. """ return _lvns.tiud06(self.number)
def __init__(self, name=None, number=None): if number is None and name is None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("LVNS", "Must specify name or number.")) if number is not None and name is not None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("LVNS", "Name and number cannot be specified at the same time.")) if number is not None: self.number=number if number<0 or number>24: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("LVNS", "Bad problem number."))[number] if name is not None: if name not in self.functionNumber: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("LVNS", "Function not found.")) self.number=self.functionNumber[name] info=self.setup() self.n=info['n'] self.m=info['m'] self.initial=info['x0'] self.maxAbs=info['type']>=0 self.fmin=self.fminTab[self.number]
[docs] def fi(self, x, i=None): """ Returns the value of the *i*-th partial function at *x*. If *i* is not given a vector of all partial functions is returned. """ if i is not None: return _lvns.tafu06(self.number, x, i) else: return _lvns.tafu06(self.number, x)
[docs] def f(self, x): """ Returns the value of the function at *x*. """ if self.maxAbs: return np.abs( else: return
[docs] def cpi(self): """ Returns the common problem interface. Gradient is not supported. Anyway it is valid only where the functions are smooth. xmin is also not available. See the :class:`CPI` class for more information. """ itf=self.prepareCPI(self.n, m=0) itf['name'] itf['x0']=self.initial itf['f']=MemberWrapper(self, 'f') itf['setup']=MemberWrapper(self, 'setup') # Gradient is not supported # itf['g']=MemberWrapper(self, 'g') if 'fmin' in self.__dict__: itf['fmin']=self.fmin return self.fixBounds(itf)
[docs]class UNS(CPI): """ Unconstrained nonsmooth problems from the Lukšan-Vlček test suite. * *name* - problem name * *number* - problem number (0-24) Attributes: * :attr:`name` - problem name * :attr:`n` - number of variables * :attr:`initial` - initial values of variables * :attr:`fmin` - best known minimum All test functions in this module are maps from :math:`R^n` to :math:`R`. Gradients are valid only where the functions are smooth (continuously differentiable). """ fminTab=[ 0.0, 0.0, 1.9522245, 2.0, -3.0, 7.20, -1.4142136, -1.0, -1.0, -8.0, -44.0, 22.600162, -32.348679, -2.9197004, 0.5598131, -0.8414083, 9.7857721, 16.703838, 0.0, 0.0, -638565.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 32.348679 ] names=[ "Rosenbrock", "Crescent", "CB2", "CB3", "DEM", "QL", "LQ", "Mifflin1", "Mifflin2", "Wolfe", "RosenSuzuki", "Shor", "Colville1", "HS78", "ElAttar", "Maxquad", "Gill", "Steiner2", "Maxq", "Maxl", "TR48", "Goffin", "MXHILB", "L1HILB", "ShellDual", ] "List of all function names" functionNumber=dict(zip(names, range(len(names))))
[docs] def setup(self): """ Initializes the binary implementation of the function. After this function is called no other function from the same test set may be created or initialized because that will change the internal variables and break the function. Returns an info structure. """ # Problem #20 requires an external file named TEST19.DAT. # We must temporarily change the working directory so that the file is # found by the underlying FORTRAN code. # Note that the file was changed. The f2c compiled code does not handle # input separated by newlines. Therefore we removed them. if self.number==20: # Store working directory wd=os.getcwd() # Set the working directory to the path of the _lvns binary module os.chdir(os.path.dirname(_lvns.__file__)) retval=_lvns.tiud19(self.number) if self.number==20: # Go back to original working directory os.chdir(wd) return retval
def __init__(self, name=None, number=None): if number is None and name is None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("LVNS", "Must specify name or number.")) if number is not None and name is not None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("LVNS", "Name and number cannot be specified at the same time.")) if number is not None: self.number=number if number<0 or number>24: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("LVNS", "Bad problem number."))[number] if name is not None: if name not in self.functionNumber: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("LVNS", "Function not found.")) self.number=self.functionNumber[name] info=self.setup() self.n=info['n'] self.initial=info['x0'] self.fmin=self.fminTab[self.number]
[docs] def f(self, x): """ Returns the value of the function at *x*. """ return _lvns.tffu19(self.number, x)
[docs] def cpi(self): """ Returns the common problem interface. Gradient is not supported because it is untested at this time. Anyway it is valid only where the functions are smooth. xmin is also not available. See the :class:`CPI` class for more information. """ itf=self.prepareCPI(self.n, m=0) itf['name'] itf['x0']=self.initial itf['f']=MemberWrapper(self, 'f') itf['setup']=MemberWrapper(self, 'setup') # Gradient is not supported # itf['g']=MemberWrapper(self, 'g') if 'fmin' in self.__dict__: itf['fmin']=self.fmin return self.fixBounds(itf)
[docs]class LCMM(CPI): """ Linearly constrained minimax problems from the Lukšan-Vlček test suite. * *name* - problem name * *number* - problem number (0-14) Attributes: * :attr:`name` - problem name * :attr:`n` - number of variables * :attr:`m` - number of partial functions * :attr:`nc` - number of linear constraints * :attr:`xl` - lower bounds on variables * :attr:`xh` - upper bounds on variables * :attr:`cl` - lower bounds on constraint functions * :attr:`ch` - upper bounds on constraint functions * :attr:`Jc` - Jacobian of constraints, one row per constraint * :attr:`initial` - initial values of variables * :attr:`fmin` - best known minimum All test functions in this module are maps from :math:`R^n` to :math:`R`. Every function is comprised of *m* partial functions .. math:: f_1(x) ... f_m(x) where *x* is a *n*-dimensional vector. The actual test function is then constructed as .. math:: f(x) = \\max_{i=1}^m f_i(x) or .. math:: f(x) = \\max_{i=1}^m \\left| f_i(x) \\right| The *nc* constraints are linear and are of the form .. math:: cl \\leq c(x) \\leq ch Beside linear constraints a problem can also have bounds of the form .. math:: xl \\leq x \\leq xh """ fminTab=[ -0.38965952, -0.33035714, -0.44891079, -0.42928061, -1.85961870, 0.10183089, 0.0, 24.306209, 133.72828, 0.50694799, 0.27607734e-3, -1768.8070, 1227.2260, 7049.2480, 174.78699 ] names=[ "MAD1", "MAD2", "MAD4", "MAD5", "PENTAGON", "MAD6", "EQUIL", "Wong2", "Wong3", "MAD8", "BPfilter", "HS114", "Dembo3", "Dembo5", "Dembo7" ] "List of all function names" functionNumber=dict(zip(names, range(len(names))))
[docs] def setup(self): """ Initializes the binary implementation of the function. After this function is called no other function from the same test set may be created or initialized because that will change the internal variables and break the function. Returns an info structure. """ return _lvns.eild22(self.number)
def __init__(self, name=None, number=None): if number is None and name is None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("LVNS", "Must specify name or number.")) if number is not None and name is not None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("LVNS", "Name and number cannot be specified at the same time.")) if number is not None: self.number=number if number<0 or number>14: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("LVNS", "Bad problem number."))[number] if name is not None: if name not in self.functionNumber: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("LVNS", "Function not found.")) self.number=self.functionNumber[name] info=self.setup() self.n=info['n'] self.m=info['m']['nc'] # Bounds bt=info['bt'] if bt.shape[0]==0: # No bounds vector given, infinite bounds self.xl=np.zeros(self.n) self.xl.fill(-np.Inf); self.xh=np.zeros(self.n) self.xh.fill(np.Inf); else: self.xl=info['xl'] self.xh=info['xh'] # No bound self.xl=np.where(bt==0, -np.Inf, self.xl) self.xh=np.where(bt==0, np.Inf, self.xh) # Lower bound only self.xh=np.where(bt==1, np.Inf, self.xh) # Upper bound only self.xl=np.where(bt==2, -np.Inf, self.xl) # Fix a bug in original lvlcmm.f (eild22) # Lower and upper bound for problem 6 (MAD6), variable 7 should be set to 3.5 if self.number==5: self.xl[6]=3.5 self.xh[6]=3.5 # MAD6 description in the paper has different contraints # Implementation ommits c1, and c9 (c9 is actually an equality bound on variable 7). # There are 7 constraints left. # HS114 - in paper the bounds on x10 are 145 and 162 # in implementation the bounds are 140 and 160 # PENTAGON - constraint function coefficients with sin() and cos() are exchanged in the implementations # initial point violates constraints # Constraints ct=info['ct']['cl']['ch'] # No constraint, -np.Inf,, np.Inf, # Lower bound only, np.Inf, # Upper bound only, -np.Inf, self.Jc=info['Jc'] self.initial=info['x0'] self.maxAbs=info['type']>=0 self.fmin=self.fminTab[self.number] # Fix the initial point of the PENTAGON problem so that it satisfies the constraints if self.number==4: self.initial[5]=0.0
[docs] def fi(self, x, i=None): """ Returns the value of the *i*-th partial function at *x*. If *i* is not given a vector of all partial functions is returned. """ if i is not None: return _lvns.tafu22(self.number, x, i) else: return _lvns.tafu22(self.number, x)
[docs] def f(self, x): """ Returns the value of the function at *x*. """ if self.maxAbs: return np.abs( else: return
[docs] def c(self, x): """ Returns the values of the constraint functions at *x*. """ return, x.reshape((self.n,1))).reshape((
[docs] def cpi(self): """ Returns the common problem interface. Gradient is not supported. Anyway it is valid only where the functions are smooth. xmin is also not available. See the :class:`CPI` class for more information. """ itf=self.prepareCPI(self.n, itf['name'] itf['x0']=self.initial itf['f']=MemberWrapper(self, 'f') itf['c']=MemberWrapper(self, 'c') itf['setup']=MemberWrapper(self, 'setup') # Gradient is not supported # itf['g']=MemberWrapper(self, 'g') # itf['cg']=MemberWrapper(self, 'cg') if 'fmin' in self.__dict__: itf['fmin']=self.fmin itf['xlo']=self.xl itf['xhi']=self.xh itf['clo'] itf['chi'] return self.fixBounds(itf)