Source code for pyopus.problems.cuter

.. inheritance-diagram:: pyopus.problems.cuter
    :parts: 1

**Wrapper for CUTEr problems (PyOPUS subsystem name: CUTER)**

This is a CPI interface to CUTEr. You nedd to have CUTEr installed. 
See the :mod:`cutermgr` module for more information. 

This module is independent of PyOPUS, meaning that it can be taken as is 
and used as a module in some other package. It depends only on the cpi, 
the cutermgr, and the cuteritf modules. 

	from ..misc.debug import DbgMsg
	def DbgMsg(x, y):
		return x+": "+y

from .cpi import CPI, MemberWrapper, TestFunctionError
	from . import cutermgr as pcm
	raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsgOut("CUTER", "CUTEr is not available. Install CUTEr."))

__all__ = [ 'CUTEr' ]

[docs]class CUTEr(CPI): """ A wrapper class for accessing CUTEr problems. * *cuterName* - CUTEr problem name (described by cuterName.sif) * *cachedName* - compiled problem name, defaults to cuterName * *sifParams* - SIF parameters (e.g. for specifying problem size) * *sifOptions* - addittional SIF decoder command line options * *efirst* - put equality constraints first (boolean) * *lfirst* - put linear constraints first (boolean) * *nvfirst* - put nonlinear variables first (boolean) * *forceRebuild* - force rebuilding even if the problem is already in cache * *quiet* - supress output messages from compilers *cachedName* must not contain dots because it is a part of a Python module name. The actual compiled problem module is in the :attr:`mod` attribute. See the :mod:`cutermgr` module on how to compile and import a CUTEr problem without using this wrapper. """ def __init__(self, cuterName, cachedName=None, sifParams=None, sifOptions=None, efirst=False, lfirst=False, nvfirst=False, forceRebuild=True, quiet=True): if cachedName is not None: self.cachedName=cachedName else: self.cachedName=cuterName # Build if needed if not pcm.isCached(self.cachedName) or forceRebuild: self.mod=pcm.prepareProblem( cuterName, destination=self.cachedName, sifParams=sifParams, sifOptions=sifOptions, efirst=efirst, lfirst=lfirst, nvfirst=nvfirst, quiet=quiet ) else: self.mod=pcm.importProblem(self.cachedName)
[docs] def cpi(self): """ Returns the common problem interface. Best known minimum information is not available. The info member of the returned dictionary is itself a dictionary with the following members: * ``sifParams`` - SIF parameters * ``sifOptions`` - additional SIF decoder command line options An additional member is available named ``module``. It is a reference to the imported CUTEr problem module. See the :class:`CPI` class for more information. """ # Get problem information info=self.mod.getinfo() itf=self.prepareCPI(info['n'], info['m']) itf['name']=info['name'] itf['xlo']=info['bl'] itf['xhi']=info['bu'] itf['x0']=info['x'] itf['f']=self.mod.obj itf['g']=CUTErWrapper(self.mod.obj, args=[True], selector=1) # Problems with nonlinear constraints if info['m']>0: itf['clo']=info['cl'] itf['chi']=info['cu'] itf['c']=self.mod.cons itf['cg']=CUTErWrapper(self.mod.cons, args=[True], selector=1) itf['module']=self.mod itf['info']={ 'sifParams': info['sifparams'], 'sifOptions': info['sifoptions'], } return self.fixBounds(itf)
class CUTErWrapper(object): """ Wraps a function *fun* in a callable object. On __call__ invokes it with addittional positional arguments *args* and keyword arguments *kwargs*. Extracts and returns the *selector* -th component of the returned tuple/list/dictionary. If *selector* is ``None``, *fun*'s return value is returned untouched. *fun*, *args*, *kwargs*, and *selector* must be picklable. """ def __init__(self, fun, args=[], kwargs={}, selector=None): self.args=args self.kwargs=kwargs self.selector=selector def __call__(self, x): if self.selector is None: return, *self.args, **self.kwargs) else: return, *self.args, **self.kwargs)[self.selector]