Source code for pyopus.plotter.plotwidget

.. inheritance-diagram:: pyopus.plotter.plotwidget
    :parts: 1
**PyQt canvas for displaying Matplotlib plots**

This module provides a PyQt canvas for Matplotlib to render its plots on. 
The canvas supports zooming and displays cursor position in axes coordinates 
as the cursor moves across the canvas. 

A plot window is an object of the :class:`QWidget` class. The canvas itself 
is an object of the :class:`PlotPanel` class. 

The module also provides saving of the plots to raster (e.g. PNG) or vector 
files (e.g. Postscript). 

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *

import sys
import os.path
import weakref

import matplotlib
from matplotlib import rcParams
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import RendererAgg
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

__version__ = '1.0'

__all__ = [ 'QPPlotWindow', 'QPFigureCanvas', 'QPOverlay' ]

class AxesLimits(object):
	Stores the zoom history for Matplotlib :class:`Axes` objects. The history 
	is stored in a :class:`WeakKeyDictionary` with :class:`Axes` objects for 
	History is a list of tuples of the form (*xlim*, *ylim*) where *xlim* and 
	*ylim* are the return values of the :meth:`get_xlim` and :meth:`get_ylim` 
	methods of the corresponding :class:`Axes` object. 
	Alters the X and Y limits of C{Axes} objects while maintaining a history of
	the changes.
	def __init__(self):
		self.history = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()

	def _get_history(self, axes):
		Returns the history list of X and Y limits associated with the *axes*
		# Return history for axes, set history to [] if not in the dictionary
		return self.history.setdefault(axes, [])
	def zoomed(self, axes):
		Returns a boolean indicating whether *axes* has had its limits
		# Return True if there is anything in the history for axes
		return not (not self._get_history(axes))

	def setNew(self, axes, xr, yr):
		Changes the X and Y limits of *axes* to *xrange* and *yrange*
		respectively by calling the :meth:`set_xlim` and :meth:`set_ylim` 
		methods of the *axes* object. The old state of axes is stored in the 
		history list. A boolean indicating whether or not the axes should be 
		redrawn is returned, because polar axes cannot have their limits 
		changed sensibly.
		# Can handle only rectilinear exes
			return False

		# Retrieve history
		history = self._get_history(axes)
		# Get current axes range as old range
		# Must copy because the returned value is always the same array with different contents
		# Need to do this because older versions of matplotlib return xlim and ylim as numpy array
		# while newer versions return a tuple
			oldRange = axes.get_xlim().copy(), axes.get_ylim().copy()
			oldRange = axes.get_xlim(), axes.get_ylim()
		# Store old axes range in history
		# Set new limits
		return True

	def restore(self, axes):
		Changes the X and Y limits of C{axes} to their previous values 
		obtained from teh corresponding history list. A boolean indicating 
		whether or not the axes should be redrawn is returned, because polar 
		axes cannot have their limits changed sensibly.
		# Get history for axes
		hist = self._get_history(axes)

		if not hist:
			# Nothing in history
			return False
			# Pop history
			xr, yr = hist.pop()
			# Is entry a range
			if xr is None and yr is None:
				# Autoscale if both are None
				return True
			elif xr is not None and yr is not None:
				# Set limits if both are not None
				return True
				# One is None and the other isn't, nothing to do
				return False

[docs]class QPOverlay(QWidget): """ A transparent Qt widget that overlays crosshair and rubberband. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, enableCrosshair=True, enableRubberband=True): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TransparentForMouseEvents, True) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground, True) # self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) self.crosshair=None self.pos0=None self.pos=None self.crosshairEnabled=enableCrosshair self.rubberbandEnabled=enableRubberband
[docs] def showCrosshair(self, state): """ Enable/disable crosshair. """ self.crosshairEnabled=state
[docs] def showRubberband(self, state): """ Enable/disable rubberband. """ self.rubberbandEnabled=state
[docs] def setCrosshair(self, pos): """ Set crosshair position *pos* (a tuple holding x,y coordinates). It is assumed y coordinate is inverted (increasing from bottom to top of the widget). Ip *pos* is set to ``None`` crosshair is not displayed. Calling this function schedules an update of the overlay. """ self.crosshair=pos self.update()
[docs] def setRubberband(self, pos0=None, pos=None): """ Set rubberband to be a rectangle between *pos0* and *pos*. Both positions are tuples holding x,y coordinates. It is assumed y coordinate is inverted (increasing from bottom to top of the widget). Ip *pos0* or *pos* is set to ``None`` rubberband is not displayed. Calling this function schedules an update of the overlay. """ self.pos0=pos0 self.pos=pos self.update()
[docs] def paintEvent(self, event): """ Repaints the overlay. """ painter = QPainter() painter.begin(self) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, False) if self.rubberbandEnabled and self.pos0 is not None and self.pos is not None: p=painter.pen() p.setWidth(0) painter.setPen(p) x0, y0 = self.pos0 x, y = self.pos y0 = self.height()-1-y0 y = self.height()-1-y xo=min(x0, x) yo=min(y0, y) w=abs(x-x0) h=abs(y-y0) painter.fillRect(xo, yo, w, h, QColor(0, 0, 128, 32)) if self.crosshairEnabled and self.crosshair is not None: p=painter.pen() p.setWidth(0) p.setColor(QColor(0, 0, 0)) painter.setPen(p) x, y = self.crosshair y = self.height()-1-y painter.drawLine(0, int(y), self.width(), int(y)) painter.drawLine(int(x), 0, int(x), self.height()) painter.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen))
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): """ Key press event handler. Ignores the events so they get sent to the parent widget (the one that is under the overlay). """ event.ignore()
# # Matplotlib canvas in a PyQt window #
[docs]class QPFigureCanvas(FigureCanvas): """ A Matplotlib canvas suitable for embedding in PyQt5 applications. For *parent* see PyQt documentation. *lock* is a :class:`threading.Lock` object for preventing other threads from accessing gui data while the gui thread uses them. Setting *showCrosshair* and *showRubberband* to ``True`` enables the corresponding facilities of the canvas. By setting *point* and *selection* to ``True`` the canvas emits :class:`PointEvent` (:class:`SelectionEvent`) events whenever crosshair position (rubberband) is changed. Setting *zooming* to ``True`` enables zooming. *figsize* is a tuple specifying the figure width and height in inches. Together with *dpi* they define the size of the figure in pixels. *figpx* is a tuple with the horizontal and vertical size of the figure in pixels. If it is given it overrides the *figsize* setting. *dpi* is used for obtaining the figure size in inches. If neither *figsize* nor *figpx* are given the settings from matplotlibrc are used. The same holds for *dpi*. Holding down the left button and moving the mouse selects the area to be zoomed. The zooming is performed when the button is released. Right-clicking zooms out to the previous view. Pressing the ``I`` key identifies the nearest curve and shows a tooltip. """ def __init__( self, parent=None, lock=None, showCrosshair=True, showRubberband=True, pointEvents=True, selectionEvents=True, zooming=True, figpx=None, figsize=None, dpi=None ): self.guiLock=lock self.lockedInEventHandler=0 # If no figsize is given, use figure.figsize from matplotlibrc if figsize is None: figsize=rcParams['figure.figsize'] # If no dpi is given, use figure.dpi from matplotlibrc if dpi is None: dpi=rcParams['figure.dpi'] # When given, figpx overrides figsize. # figsize is calculated from figpx and dpi. if figpx is not None: figsize=(figpx[0]*1.0/dpi, figpx[1]*1.0/dpi) pxsize=figpx else: pxsize=figsize[0]*dpi,figsize[1]*dpi self.userpxsize=pxsize self.figureObject=Figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) self.figureObject.set_figheight(figsize[1]) self.figureObject.set_figwidth(figsize[0]) FigureCanvas.__init__(self, self.figureObject) self.setParent(parent) self.overlay=QPOverlay(self, enableCrosshair=showCrosshair, enableRubberband=showRubberband) FigureCanvas.setSizePolicy( self, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding ) FigureCanvas.updateGeometry(self) self.pointEvents = pointEvents self.selectionEvents = selectionEvents self.zooming = zooming self.figureObject.set_edgecolor('black') self.figureObject.set_facecolor('white') # Turn on repaint self.repaintEnabled=True # Zoom corner 1, data and Qt coordinates self.axes1 = None self.zoom1 = None self.point1 = None # Axes history self.limits=AxesLimits() # Connect matplotlib event handlers self.figureObject.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_motion_notify_event) self.figureObject.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_button_press_event) self.figureObject.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.on_button_release_event) self.figureObject.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.on_pick_event) self.figureObject.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key_press_event)
[docs] def sizeHint(self): return QSize(self.userpxsize[0], self.userpxsize[1])
# Override main event handler so that we can lock the gui before events are handled
[docs] def event(self, e): # print("Enter event", e, type(e)) if self.guiLock is not None: # Events are invoked recursively. We may lock only when we start to handle first event. if self.lockedInEventHandler==0: self.guiLock.acquire() self.lockedInEventHandler+=1 retval=super(QPFigureCanvas, self).event(e) if self.guiLock is not None: # Events are invoked recursively. We may unlock only when we finish handling first event. if self.lockedInEventHandler==1: self.guiLock.release() self.lockedInEventHandler-=1 # print("Leave event", e) return retval
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, e): self.overlay.resize(e.size()) super(QPFigureCanvas, self).resizeEvent(e)
""" Signal that gets emitted every time crosshair moves. """ newCoordinates=pyqtSignal(list) """ Signal that gets emitted every time rubberband is changed """ newSelection=pyqtSignal(list) def _to_data_coords(self, axes, x, y): """ Takes Qt coordinates and converts them to axes coordinates. Returns a tuple of two values or ``None, None`` if conversion fails. Coordinates outside axes are also converted which makes it possible to handle rubberbands outside axes and zoom to extents with one corner outside axes. """ # No axes, nothing to do if axes is None: return (None, None) # Convert to coordinates on axes try: xdata, ydata = axes.transData.inverted().transform_point((x, y)) except ValueError: return (None, None) else: return (xdata, ydata) # # Matplotlib event handling #
[docs] def emitCoordinates(self, event): """ Extracts coordinate information and emits a ``newCoordinates`` signal. """ axes=event.inaxes x = event.x y = event.y xdata = event.xdata ydata = event.ydata if axes is not None: # Get history zoomHistory=self.limits._get_history(axes) if len(zoomHistory)>0: zoomStr=" zoom level %d" % len(zoomHistory) else: zoomStr="" # Post coordinates events with data self.newCoordinates.emit([, xdata, ydata, axes.format_coord(xdata, ydata)+zoomStr ]) else: # Outside axes # Post coordinates event self.newCoordinates.emit([ "No axes", None, None, "unknown" ])
[docs] def on_motion_notify_event(self, event): """ A handler for matplotlib ``motion_notify_event`` events. Invoked every time mouse moves across the canvas or when a mouse button is released. """ self.overlay.setFocus() axes=event.inaxes x = event.x y = event.y xdata = event.xdata ydata = event.ydata # If we are in selection mode we must draw a rubberband if self.axes1 is not None: # Yes, draw rubberband x0, y0 = self.point1 self.overlay.setRubberband((x0, y0), (x, y)) # If we are inside axes if axes is not None: # Set a cross cursor and draw crosshairs self.setCursor(Qt.BlankCursor) self.overlay.setCrosshair((x, y)) else: # Outside axes # If there is any rubberband, it remains where it was # Normal cursor, no crosshairs self.setCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor) self.overlay.setCrosshair(None) # Update coordinates display if self.pointEvents: self.emitCoordinates(event)
# Remove tooltip ## self.SetToolTip(None)
[docs] def on_button_press_event(self, event): """ A handler for matplotlib ``button_press_event`` events. Invoked every time a mouse button is pressed. """ axes=event.inaxes x = event.x y = event.y xdata = event.xdata ydata = event.ydata if event.button==1: # Left button pressed # Are we inside axes if axes is not None: # Are the axes rectilinear if'rectilinear': # OK, we have zoom point 1 self.axes1 = axes self.zoom1 = xdata, ydata self.point1 = x, y elif event.button==3: # Right button pressed and zooming enabled if axes is not None: if self.zooming and self.limits.restore(axes): # We have axes and zoom out requires a redraw self.draw() # Update coordinates display if self.pointEvents: self.emitCoordinates(event)
[docs] def on_button_release_event(self, event): """ A handler for matplotlib ``button_release_event`` events. Invoked every time a mouse button is released. """ axes=event.inaxes x = event.x y = event.y xdata = event.xdata ydata = event.ydata if event.button==1: # Left button released # If we are in selection mode, clear rubberband if self.axes1 is not None: self.overlay.setRubberband() # Calculate second point coordinates from x,y based on self.axes1 # This way we get to zoom beyond axes. actualxdata, actualydata = self._to_data_coords(self.axes1, x, y) # Are we in selection mode and do we have a second point if self.zooming and self.axes1 is not None and actualxdata is not None and actualydata is not None: # Prepare ranges xr=self.zoom1[0], actualxdata yr=self.zoom1[1], actualydata # Fix ranges if xr[0]>xr[1]: xr=xr[-1::-1] if yr[0]>yr[1]: yr=yr[-1::-1] # Is the range nonzero? if xr[1]-xr[0]>0 and yr[1]-yr[0]>0: # Yes, it is # Emit a selection event if selection events are enabled if self.selectionEvents: self.newSelection.emit([self.axes1, xr[0], yr[0], xr[1], yr[1]]) # Are coordinates rectilinear and is zoom allowed. if'rectilinear' and self.zooming: # Yes, zoom ... if self.limits.setNew(self.axes1, xr, yr): # ... and redraw if needed self.draw() # Update coordinates display if self.pointEvents: self.emitCoordinates(event) else: # We have no range, just a point # Emit a point event if point events are enabled if self.pointEvents: self.emitCoordinates(event) # Reset zoom point 1, leave selection mode self.axes1 = None self.zoom1 = None self.point1 = None # Normal cursor if no axes if axes is None: self.setCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor) else: # No cursor if we have axes self.setCursor(Qt.BlankCursor)
[docs] def enablePicking(self, axes, width=8): """ Enables picking for all artists under given axes. """ for artist in axes.get_children(): artist.set_picker(width)
[docs] def on_key_press_event(self, event): """ A handler for matplotlib ``key_press_event`` events. Invoked every time a key is pressed. If ``I`` is pressed pickign is enabled for all artists and a pick event is generated at cursor position. """ if event.key=='i': # Identification # Hide tooltip cp=QCursor.pos() QToolTip.showText(cp, "", self) if event.inaxes is not None: # Set picker width to 8 for all children self.enablePicking(event.inaxes, 8) # Tell artists to fire pick events event.inaxes.pick(event)
[docs] def on_pick_event(self, event): """ A handler for matplotlib ``pick_event`` events. Invoked every time user picks a location close to some object. """ label=event.artist.get_label() # Ignore artists without labels if type(label)==str and len(label)>0: cp=QCursor.pos() QToolTip.showText(cp, label, self, QRect(), 1500)
# # Getters and setters #
[docs] def getFigure(self): """ Returns the MatPlotLib :class:`Figure` associated with this canvas. """ return self.figureObject
[docs] def showCrosshair(self, state): """ Enable or disable drawing crosshair when mouse cursor moves inside a matplotlib axes. """ self.crosshair=overlay.showCrosshair(state)
[docs] def showRubberband(self, state): """ Enable or disable rubberband drawing. """ self.rubberband=self.overlay.showRubberband(state)
[docs] def enableCoordinatesEvents(self, state): """ Enable or disable emitting ``newCoordinates`` signal. """ self.pointEvents = state
[docs] def enableSelectionEvents(self, state): """ Enable or disable ``newSelection`` signal. """ self.selectionEvents = state
[docs] def enableZooming(self, state): """ Enable or disable zooming in/out when the user makes an area selection or right-clicks the axes. """ self.zooming=state
[docs] def set_repaint(self, state): """ Enable or disable repainting. """ self.repaintEnabled=state
# # Matplotlib canvas in a top-level PyQt window #
[docs]class QPPlotWindow(QMainWindow): """ A matplotlib canvas embedded in a PyQt window. For *parent* see PyQt documentation. *title* is the title of the window. See PyQt documentation for *parent* and *id*. *lock* is a :class:`threading.Lock` object that prevents other threads from accessing Matplotlib objects while PyQt events are handled. It is passed to the :class:`QPFigureCanvas` object. All remaining arguments are passed to the :class:`QPFigureCanvas` constructor. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, title="Plot window", lock=None, **kwargs): QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.canvasWidget = QPFigureCanvas(parent, lock=lock, **kwargs) self.setWindowTitle(title) self.createStatusBar() self.setCentralWidget(self.canvasWidget) self.canvasWidget.newCoordinates.connect(self.updateCoordinates) self.createActions() # Limited to 2/3 of screen # self.adjustSize() # Not limited rect=self.childrenRect() self.resize(rect.width(), rect.height()) """ This signal is emitted whenever the window is about to close. """ windowClosing=pyqtSignal(QWidget) """ This signal is emitted when the user requests closing of all plot windows. """ closeAllRequest=pyqtSignal()
[docs] def createStatusBar(self): """ Creates a statu sbar at the bottom of the window. """ return self.statusBar()
[docs] @pyqtSlot(list) def updateCoordinates(self, data): """ Updates the coordinates display in status bar. """ axtxt, x, y, txt = data self.statusBar().showMessage("%s: %s" % (axtxt, txt))
[docs] def createActions(self): """ Creates menu actions. """ self.fileMenu=self.menuBar().addMenu("&File") newAction=QAction("&Save as...", self) newAction.setShortcuts(QKeySequence("CTRL+S")) newAction.setStatusTip("Save plot to a file") newAction.triggered.connect(self.onFileSave) self.fileMenu.addAction(newAction) self.fileMenu.addSeparator() closeAction=QAction("&Close window", self) closeAction.setShortcuts(QKeySequence("CTRL+W")) closeAction.setStatusTip("Close window") closeAction.triggered.connect(self.onClose) self.fileMenu.addAction(closeAction) closeAllAction=QAction("&Close all windows", self) closeAllAction.setStatusTip("Close all windows") closeAllAction.triggered.connect(self.onCloseAll) self.fileMenu.addAction(closeAllAction) self.helpMenu=self.menuBar().addMenu("&Help") aboutAction=QAction("About", self) aboutAction.setStatusTip("About this window") aboutAction.triggered.connect(self.onAbout) self.helpMenu.addAction(aboutAction)
[docs] @pyqtSlot() def onAbout(self): """ Handles the Help/About option. """ QMessageBox.information( self, 'About PyOPUS plot window', '<p>This is <b>PyOPUS plot window</b></p>' 'Copyright 2017 Arpad Buermen</p>' '<p>' 'Zoom in: left mouse button and drag.<br />' 'Zoom out: right mouse button.<br />' 'Press I for object identification.' '</p>' )
[docs] @pyqtSlot() def onClose(self): """ Handles the File/Close option. """ self.close()
[docs] @pyqtSlot() def onCloseAll(self): """ Handles the File/Close all windows option. """ self.closeAllRequest.emit()
[docs] def closeEvent(self, e): """ Just before the window is closed this handler is invoked. It emits a ``windowClosing`` signal. """ self.windowClosing.emit(self) e.accept()
[docs] @pyqtSlot() def onFileSave(self): """ Handles File/Save option. """ # Build list of supported formats filters=[ description+' (*.'+extension+')' for extension, description in FigureCanvas.filetypes.items() ] dialog=QFileDialog(self) dialog.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal); dialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog.AcceptSave); dialog.setDirectory(os.getcwd()) dialog.setNameFilters(filters) if (dialog.exec_() != QDialog.Accepted): return fileName=dialog.selectedFiles()[0] # figpx (figsize*dpi) is used for raster images # figsize and dpi are used for postscript and pdf try: self.getCanvas().print_figure(fileName) except IOError as e: QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error", "Failed to save plot as '"+fileName+"'.\n"+str(e) )
[docs] def getFigure(self): """ Returns the MatPlotLib :class:`Figure` associated with this canvas. """ return self.canvasWidget.getFigure()
[docs] def getCanvas(self): """ Returns the :class:`QPFigureCanvas` object associated with this window. """ return self.canvasWidget
[docs] def draw(self): """ Draw the associated :class:`Figure` onto the screen. Shortcut to the :meth:`QPFigureCanvas.draw` method. """ self.canvasWidget.draw()
if __name__ == '__main__': import sip import sys sip.setdestroyonexit(False) app = QApplication(sys.argv) #w=QPPlotWindow(figsize=(6,4), dpi=72) w=QPPlotWindow(figpx=(800,600)) f=w.getFigure() a=f.add_subplot(111) a.plot([0,1,2,3], [4,3,2,5], 'r') app.exec_()