Source code for pyopus.plotter.optplugin

.. inheritance-diagram:: pyopus.plotter.optplugin
    :parts: 1
**An optimization algorithm plugin for visualization of simulation results**

from ..optimizer.base import Reporter

__all__ = [ 'IterationPlotter' ] 

[docs]class IterationPlotter(Reporter): """ A reporter plugin that uses a *plotter* to visualize the simulation results during optimization. The plotting is initiated every time the optimization algorithm finds a point with a lower value of the cost function. This plugin produces an annotation at the computer where the evaluation of the cost function takes place. The annotation that is produced is the :attr:`results` member of the :class:`~pyopus.evaluator.performance.PerformanceEvaluator` object obtained from the *plotter*. On the master side this annotation is used for updating the :class:`~pyopus.evaluator.performance.PerformanceEvaluator` object of the *plotter*. See the :class:`pyopus.optimizer.base.Reporter` class for more details. """ def __init__(self, plotter): Reporter.__init__(self) self.plotter=plotter def __call__(self, x, f, opt, annotation=None): # Update best no matter what the annotation is if opt.f is None or opt.niter==opt.bestIter: # Write annotation if annotation is not None: self.plotter.performanceEvaluator().results=annotation # Report (plot) if not self.quiet: self.plotter('iter='+str(opt.niter), 'f='+str(f)) # Return annotation return self.plotter.performanceEvaluator().results