Source code for pyopus.misc.debug

**Debug message generation module** 

Every PyOPUS module generates debug messages of the form 

``locationID subsystem: bodyText``. 

*locationID* uniquely identifies a Python process on a host. 
See :mod:`pyopus.misc.identify` for details. 

*subsystem* is a string identifying the PyOPUS subsystem that generated the 
# Debug message output

from .identify import locationID
from .dbgprint import stdoutPrinter

import sys, time

__all__ = [ 'DbgSetup', 'DbgDefaultPrint', 'DbgSetDefaultPrinter', 'DbgMsg', 'DbgMsgOut' ]


[docs]def DbgSetDefaultPrinter(p): """ Sets the default message printer. If this function is not called the default printer writes messages to stdout. """ global defaultPrinter defaultPrinter=p
[docs]def DbgSetup(pTime=False, tPrec=1, prefix=True): """ Configure debugging If *prependTime* is ``True`` a timestamp is prepended to every message. *tPrec* is the precision of the timestamp. """ global prependTime, timePrecision, prependPrefix prependTime=pTime timePrecision=tPrec prependPrefix=prefix
[docs]def DbgDefaultPrint(msg): """ Prints a message via the default printer. """ defaultPrinter.write(msg) defaultPrinter.flush()
# Format a debug message. # Text can be a multiline text. Prefix every line with locationID and subsystem.
[docs]def DbgMsg(subsystem, text): """ Generates a debug message with *text* in its body. The message originates from the given PyOPUS *subsystem*. """ rows=text.split("\n"); if not prependPrefix: return "\n".join(rows) if prependTime: t=time.time() prefix="%.*f %s %s: " % (timePrecision, t, locationID(), subsystem) else: prefix="%s %s: " % (locationID(), subsystem) out=[] for row in rows: out.append(prefix+row) return "\n".join(out)
# Format and print debug message.
[docs]def DbgMsgOut(subsystem, text, printer=None): """ Generates and prints using the default message printer. The message originates from the given PyOPUS *subsystem*. If *printer* is specified it is used for printing the message. By default the message is printed with the default printer. """ p=defaultPrinter if printer is None else printer rows=text.split("\n"); if not prependPrefix: for row in rows: p.write(row+"\n") else: if prependTime: t=time.time() prefix="%.*f %s %s: " % (timePrecision, t, locationID(), subsystem) else: prefix="%s %s: " % (locationID(), subsystem) for row in rows: p.write(prefix+row+"\n") p.flush()