Source code for

# Record
# - id
# - parent id
# - datetime
# - name
# - payload type name
# - pickled payload data (dict, list, tuple)

# Payload types
# - id
# - type name

# Sample record sequence
#   Task (projectData, mpiData, vmLayout)
#   Verification OptIter
#   Folder
#     OptIter
#     OptIter
#     ...
#     OptIter
#   Verification OptIter
#   Folder
#     OptIter
#     OptIter
#     ...
#     OptIter
#   ...
#   Verification OptIter
#   Conclusion

import sqlite3 as lite
import pickle as pickle
import time, uuid, pprint, datetime
import numpy as np
from ..evaluator.aggregate import *
from .. import PyOpusError

from ..misc.debug import DbgMsgOut

__all__ = [ 
	'SQLiteRecord', 'SQLiteDatabase', 
	'SQLDataRoot', 'SQLDataTask', 'SQLDataTaskCBD', 
	'SQLDataFolder', 'SQLDataCorners', 'SQLDataOptIter', 
	'SQLDataOptIter', 'SQLDataConclusion'

[docs]class PyOpusSqliteError(PyOpusError): def __init__(self, message, *args): super(PyOpusSqliteError, self).__init__(message, *args)
class SQLData(object): def __init__(self): pass def typeString(self): return type(self).__name__[7:] def textAspects(self): return [ ] def getAuxiliaryData(self, sqldb, recordId): aux={} return aux def formatStr(self, aspect, auxData): return None class SQLDataRoot(SQLData): def __init__(self): SQLData.__init__(self) self.uuid=str(uuid.uuid4()) def textAspects(self): return [ "uuid" ] def formatStr(self, aspect, auxData): if aspect=='uuid': return self.uuid else: return None class SQLDataTask(SQLData): def __init__(self, project, task): SQLData.__init__(self) self.project=project self.task=task def textAspects(self): return [ "project", "task" ] def formatStr(self, aspect, auxData): if aspect=='project': return pprint.pformat(self.project) elif aspect=="task": return pprint.pformat(self.task) else: return None class SQLDataTaskCBD(SQLData): # First child of a CBD task def __init__(self, aggregatorSetup): SQLData.__init__(self) self.aggregatorSetup=aggregatorSetup def textAspects(self): return [ "aggregator" ] def formatStr(self, aspect, auxData): if aspect=='aggregator': nameW=max([len(c['measure']) for c in self.aggregatorSetup]+[2]) goalW=max([len(str(c['norm'])) for c in self.aggregatorSetup]+[2]) reduceW=max([len(str(c['reduce'])) for c in self.aggregatorSetup]+[2]) txt="" for c in self.aggregatorSetup: txt+="%*s %*s" % (nameW, c['measure'], goalW, str(c['norm'])) txt+=" norm=%e fp=%e" % (c['norm'].norm, c['norm'].failure) txt+=" %*s" % (reduceW, str(c['reduce'])) txt+=" "+str(c['shape']) txt+="\n" return txt else: return None class SQLDataFolder(SQLData): def __init__(self): SQLData.__init__(self) class SQLDataCorners(SQLData): def __init__(self, measureCorners, addedCorners): SQLData.__init__(self) self.measureCorners=measureCorners self.addedCorners=addedCorners def getAuxiliaryData(self, sqldb, recordId): aux={} # Get task record taskRec=sqldb.getAncestorByType(recordId, SQLDataTask) aux['project']=taskRec.payload.project aux['task']=taskRec.payload.task return aux def textAspects(self): return [ "corners" ] def formatStr(self, aspect, auxData): task=auxData['task'] if aspect=="corners": reqLen=max([len(s) for s in task['requirementNames']]+[1]) nameList=task['requirementNames'] txt="" for name in nameList: txt1="%-*s : " % (reqLen, name) if len(self.measureCorners[name])>0: txt1+=" ".join([c for c in self.measureCorners[name]]) else: txt1+="no corners" if len(self.addedCorners[name]): txt2="%-*s + " % (reqLen, "") txt2+=" ".join([c for c in self.addedCorners[name]])+"\n" else: txt2="" txt+=txt1+"\n"+txt2 return txt else: return None class SQLDataOptIter(SQLData): def __init__(self, parameters, aggregatorData, evaluatorData, componentNames, waveformData=None): SQLData.__init__(self) self.parameters=parameters self.aggregatorData=aggregatorData self.componentNames=componentNames self.evaluatorData=evaluatorData # List of corner names refered to by indices in aggregator is # passed to CBD as cornerOrder and forwarded to PerformanceEvaluator. # From there it is read by the Aggregator. self.waveformData=waveformData def getAuxiliaryData(self, sqldb, recordId): aux={} # Get task record taskRec=sqldb.getAncestorByType(recordId, SQLDataTask) aux['project']=taskRec.payload.project aux['task']=taskRec.payload.task # Get first child of task record (task setup record) tsrRec=sqldb.getFirstChild(taskRec.recordId) aux['aggregatorSetup']=tsrRec.payload.aggregatorSetup return aux def textAspects(self): return [ "parameters", "performance", "cost" ] def boundText(self, task, name, ev): if ev is None: return "Failed" if ( name in task['requirements']['lower'] and ev<task['requirements']['lower'][name] ): return "Low" if ( name in task['requirements']['upper'] and ev>task['requirements']['upper'][name] ): return "High" return "" def formatStr(self, aspect, auxData): project=auxData['project'] task=auxData['task'] aggregatorSetup=auxData['aggregatorSetup'] # Length of parameter, measure, and corner names parLen=max([len(s) for s in task['parameterNames']]+[1]) reqLen=max([len(s) for s in task['requirementNames']]+[1]) cLen=max([len(s) for s in task['cornerNames']]+[1]) # Length of component names cnLen=0 for m in self.componentNames.keys(): if self.componentNames[m] is not None: for cn in self.componentNames[m]: cn1=len(cn) if cn1>cnLen: cnLen=cn1 # Length of default component names (indices) for measureName, row in self.evaluatorData.items(): for ev in row.values(): if project['measures'][measureName]['vector']: if type(ev) is np.ndarray: cn1=int(np.ceil(np.log10(ev.shape[0]))) else: cn1=1 if cn1>cnLen: cnLen=cn1 if aspect=="parameters": txt="" for name in task['parameterNames']: txt1="%-*s = %e\n" % (parLen, name, self.parameters[name]) txt+=txt1 return txt elif aspect=="performance": nameList=task['requirementNames'] txt="" # Evaluator results for name in nameList: firstName=True if name not in self.evaluatorData: continue evMeas=self.evaluatorData[name] for cName in task['cornerNames']: firstCorner=True if cName not in evMeas: continue ev=evMeas[cName] # Prefix with name and corner txt1="%-*s: %-*s" % ( reqLen, name if firstName else "", cLen, cName if firstCorner else "" ) if ev is None: # No result bt=self.boundText(task, name, ev) txt1+=(" "*(cnLen+2))+" = "+(" "*(14))+" "+bt+"\n" elif project['measures'][name]['vector']: # Vector by definition if type(ev) is np.ndarray: # Vector is ndarray txt1="" for ii in range(ev.shape[0]): # Prefix (again, skip name and corner when not needed) txt1+="%-*s: %-*s" % ( reqLen, name if firstName else "", cLen, cName if firstCorner else "" ) # Component name lst=self.componentNames[name] if name in self.componentNames else None if lst is not None and len(lst)>ii: compName="%-*s" % (cnLen, lst[ii]) else: compName="%-*d" % (cnLen, ii) # Value valTxt="%14e" % ev[ii] if ev[ii] is not None else " "*14 # Put together bt=self.boundText(task, name, ev[ii]) txt1+=("[%s]" % compName)+" = "+valTxt+" "+bt+"\n" firstName=False firstCorner=False else: # Vector is not ndarray (is scalar) lst=self.componentNames[name] if name in self.componentNames else None if lst is not None and len(lst)>0: compName="%-*s" % (cnLen, lst[0]) else: compName="%-*d" % (cnLen, 0) valTxt="%14e" % ev if ev is not None else " "*14 bt=self.boundText(task, name, ev) txt1+=("[%s]" % compName)+" = "+valTxt+" "+bt+"\n" else: # Scalar by definition valTxt="%14e" % ev bt=self.boundText(task, name, ev) txt1+=(" "*(cnLen+2))+" = "+valTxt+" "+bt+"\n" firstName=False firstCorner=False txt+=txt1 return txt elif aspect=="cost": txt="" names=task['requirementNames'] cost=0.0 for ii in range(len(aggregatorSetup)): name=aggregatorSetup[ii]['measure'] norm=aggregatorSetup[ii]['norm'] reduction=aggregatorSetup[ii]['reduce'] data=self.aggregatorData[ii] goal=norm.goal typeChar=">" if type(norm)is Nabove else "<" txt1="%*s %s %e" % (reqLen, name, typeChar, goal) contrib=data['contribution'] cost+=contrib if data['worst'] is None: statusText=reduction.flagFailure() failedCount=len(data['worst_corner_vector']) worst="in %d corner(s)" % (failedCount, ) cornerList=[task['cornerNames'][ci] for ci in data['worst_corner_vector']] if len(cornerList)>3: cornerText=(" ".join(cornerList[:3]))+" ..." else: cornerText=(" ".join(cornerList)) else: statusText=reduction.flagSuccess(data['fulfilled']) worst="worst=%e" % data['worst'] cornerText=task['cornerNames'][data['worst_corner']] txt1+=" %s %-20s cf=%-14e %s" % (statusText, worst, contrib, cornerText) txt+=txt1+"\n" txt+="\n%s = %e\n" % ("cost function value", cost) return txt else: return None class SQLDataConclusion(SQLData): def __init__(self, analysisCount, time): SQLData.__init__(self) self.analysisCount=analysisCount self.time=time def textAspects(self): return [ "summary" ] def formatStr(self, aspect, auxData): if aspect=="summary": anLen=max([ len(a) for a in self.analysisCount.keys() ]+[1]) txt="Analysis counts\n" for name in self.analysisCount.keys(): txt+="%-*s : %d\n" % (anLen, name, self.analysisCount[name]) txt+="\nTask took %d seconds\n" % (self.time) return txt else: return None class SQLiteRecord(object): def __init__(self, sqldb=None, recordId=None, parent=None, timestamp=None, name=None, typename=None, payload=None): self.sqldb=sqldb self.auxData=None self.waveforms={} if type(recordId) is str: raise PyOpusError("bum") self.recordId=recordId self.parent=parent self.timestamp=timestamp if typename is None: self.typename=type(payload).__name__ else: self.typename=typename self.payload=payload def getAuxiliaryData(self): if self.auxData is None: if self.sqldb is None: raise PyOpusSqliteError("No database specified. Cannot retrieve auxiliary data.") self.auxData=self.payload.getAuxiliaryData(self.sqldb, self.recordId) self.waveforms=self.sqldb.getWaveforms(self.recordId) def textAspects(self): return self.payload.textAspects() def formatHead(self): dateStr=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') tstr=self.payload.typeString() if self.payload is not None else self.typename txt ="Id : %d\n" % self.recordId txt+="Parent : %d\n" % self.parent txt+="Name : %s\n" % txt+="Type : %s\n" % tstr txt+="Time : %.2f (%s)\n" % (self.timestamp, dateStr) return txt def formatStr(self, aspect=None): self.getAuxiliaryData() aspects=self.textAspects() # Default aspect if aspect is None and len(aspects)>0: aspect=aspects[0] if aspect is not None: txtpl=self.payload.formatStr(aspect, self.auxData) else: txtpl=None txt="" if txtpl is not None: # txt1="Content (%s)" % aspect # txt+=txt1+"\n" # txt+=("-"*len(txt1))+"\n" txt+=txtpl else: if len(aspects)>0: txt+="No text found for aspect '%s'." % (aspect) else: txt+="No text aspects available." return txt class SQLiteConnection(object): def __init__(self, fpath): self.fpath=fpath def __enter__(self): try: self.con=lite.connect(self.fpath) return self.con except lite.Error as e: # Log failure self.con=None PyOpusSqliteError("Failed to open database '"+str(fpath)+"'.") def __exit__(self, t, value, traceback): if self.con is not None: self.con.close() class SQLiteDatabase(object): def __init__(self, fpath): self.fpath=fpath self.rootId=None self.rootTypeId=None self.uuid=None self.processedPayloadTypes={} def openDb(self): try: return lite.connect(self.fpath) except lite.Error as e: # Log failure DbgMsgOut("SQLITE", "Failed to open database") return None def payloadTypeId(self, typeName, con): cur=con.cursor() # Did we see it if typeName not in self.processedPayloadTypes: # No, check if it is in the database cur.execute("SELECT id FROM payloads WHERE typename=?", (typeName,)) row=cur.fetchone() if row is None: # No it is not, add it cur.execute("INSERT INTO payloads (typename) VALUES (?)", (typeName,)) typeId=cur.lastrowid else: # Yes it is there, get it typeId=row[0] self.processedPayloadTypes[typeName]=typeId else: # Yes, we saw it typeId=self.processedPayloadTypes[typeName] con.commit() return typeId # Drop all tables, rebuild database def reset(self): with SQLiteConnection(self.fpath) as con: cur=con.cursor() # Drop tables cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS payloads") cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data") cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS waveforms") # Create tables cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE payloads( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, typename TEXT NOT NULL ) """) cur.execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_typename ON payloads(typename)") cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE data( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, parent INTEGER, timestamp TIMESTAMP, name TEXT, type INTEGER, data BLOB ) """) cur.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_parent ON data(parent)") cur.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_timestamp ON data(timestamp)") cur.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_name ON data(name)") cur.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_type ON data(type)") cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE waveforms( id INTEGER, corner TEXT NOT NULL, analysis TEXT NOT NULL, filename TEXT NOT NULL ) """) cur.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_id ON waveforms(id)") cur.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_corner ON waveforms(corner)") cur.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_analysis ON waveforms(analysis)") cur.execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_filename ON waveforms(filename)") # Add root type self.rootTypeId=self.payloadTypeId(SQLDataRoot.__name__, con) # Insert root record payload=SQLDataRoot() tname=type(payload).__name__ t=time.time() cur.execute( "INSERT INTO data (id, parent, timestamp, name, type, data) VALUES (0,-1,?,'root',(SELECT rowid FROM payloads WHERE typename=?),?)", (t, tname, lite.Binary(pickle.dumps(payload))) ) con.commit() self.rootId=cur.lastrowid return self.rootId # Get root entry type id and id def root(self): # Did we see it if self.rootId is None: # No, it must already be there. Get it. # with self.openDb() as con: with SQLiteConnection(self.fpath) as con: cur=con.cursor() cur.execute(""" SELECT,, FROM payloads, data WHERE payloads.typename=? AND """, (SQLDataRoot.__name__,)) row=cur.fetchone() self.rootTypeId, self.rootId = row[0], row[1] obj=pickle.loads(row[2]) self.uuid=obj.uuid return self.rootTypeId, self.rootId def getAncestorByType(self, recordId, ancestorType): # with self.openDb() as con: with SQLiteConnection(self.fpath) as con: cur=con.cursor() atId=recordId while True: cur.execute( "SELECT data.parent, data.timestamp,, payloads.typename, " "FROM data, payloads WHERE AND", (atId, ) ) row=cur.fetchone() if row is None: return None if row[3]==ancestorType.__name__: # Found it obj=pickle.loads(row[4]) return SQLiteRecord(self, atId, parent=row[0], timestamp=row[1], name=row[2], typename=row[3], payload=obj ) else: # Go to parent atId=row[0] if atId<0: return None def getFirstChild(self, recordId): # with self.openDb() as con: with SQLiteConnection(self.fpath) as con: cur=con.cursor() cur.execute( "SELECT, data.parent, data.timestamp,, payloads.typename, " "FROM data, payloads WHERE AND data.parent=? " "ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1", (recordId, ) ) row=cur.fetchone() if row is None: return None else: obj=pickle.loads(row[5]) return SQLiteRecord(self, recordId=row[0], parent=row[1], timestamp=row[2], name=row[3], typename=row[4], payload=obj ) # Get a record def get(self, recordId, getPayload=True): # with self.openDb() as con: with SQLiteConnection(self.fpath) as con: cur=con.cursor() if getPayload: cur.execute( "SELECT data.parent, data.timestamp,, payloads.typename, " "FROM data, payloads WHERE AND", (recordId, ) ) row=cur.fetchone() if row is None: return None else: obj=pickle.loads(row[4]) return SQLiteRecord(self, recordId=recordId, parent=row[0], timestamp=row[1], name=row[2], typename=row[3], payload=obj ) else: cur.execute( "SELECT data.parent, data.timestamp,, payloads.typename " "FROM data, payloads WHERE AND", (recordId, ) ) row=cur.fetchone() if row is None: return None else: return SQLiteRecord(self, recordId=recordId, parent=row[0], timestamp=row[1], name=row[2], typename=row[3], payload=None ) def getWaveforms(self, recordId): with SQLiteConnection(self.fpath) as con: cur=con.cursor() cur.execute( "SELECT waveforms.corner, waveforms.analysis, waveforms.filename " "FROM waveforms WHERE", (recordId, ) ) files={} while True: row=cur.fetchone() if row is None: break an=row[1] # Convert empty string to None if an=='': an=None key=(row[0], an) files[key]=row[2] return files # Get children with child counts. Does not fetch payloads. def getChildren(self, recordId): # with self.openDb() as con: with SQLiteConnection(self.fpath) as con: cur=con.cursor() cur.execute( "SELECT,, payloads.typename, " " (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM data dc WHERE" "FROM data dp, payloads " "WHERE " "AND dp.parent=?", (recordId, ) ) ids=[] names=[] types=[] childCounts=[] while True: row=cur.fetchone() if row is None: break ids.append(row[0]) names.append(row[1]) types.append(row[2]) childCounts.append(row[3]) return ids, names, types, childCounts # Get children with child counts. Does not fetch payloads. def getNewNodes(self, startId): # with self.openDb() as con: with SQLiteConnection(self.fpath) as con: cur=con.cursor() cur.execute( "SELECT, data.parent,, payloads.typename " "FROM data, payloads " "WHERE " "AND>=?", (startId, ) ) ids=[] parents=[] names=[] types=[] while True: row=cur.fetchone() if row is None: break ids.append(row[0]) parents.append(row[1]) names.append(row[2]) types.append(row[3]) return ids, parents, names, types def lastId(self): # with self.openDb() as con: with SQLiteConnection(self.fpath) as con: cur=con.cursor() cur.execute( "SELECT max(id) FROM data" ) row=cur.fetchone() if row is None: return 1 else: return row[0] # Commit a record def commit(self, record): # Add a record if record.timestamp is None: record.timestamp=time.time() tname=type(record.payload).__name__ # Default parent is root if record.parent is None: _, record.parent = self.root() # with self.openDb() as con: with SQLiteConnection(self.fpath) as con: cur=con.cursor() # Add type self.payloadTypeId(tname, con) # Add entry cur.execute( "INSERT INTO data (parent, timestamp, name, type, data) VALUES (?,?,?,(SELECT rowid FROM payloads WHERE typename=?),?)", (record.parent, record.timestamp,, tname, pickle.dumps(record.payload)) ) con.commit() record.recordId=cur.lastrowid return record.recordId def commitWaveform(self, recordId, corner, analysis, fileName): with SQLiteConnection(self.fpath) as con: cur=con.cursor() # Convert None to '' if analysis is None: analysis='' cur.execute( "INSERT INTO waveforms (id, corner, analysis, filename) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", (recordId, corner, analysis, fileName) ) con.commit() # files is a dictionary with (corner, analysis) for key and filename for value def commitWaveforms(self, recordId, files): with SQLiteConnection(self.fpath) as con: cur=con.cursor() for (corner, analysis), fileName in files.items(): # Convert None to '' if analysis is None: analysis='' cur.execute( "INSERT INTO waveforms (id, corner, analysis, filename) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", (recordId, corner, analysis, fileName) ) con.commit() # # Main function # def dumpChildren(sqldb, recId, level=0, idLen=6): ids, names, types, childCounts = sqldb.getChildren(recId) indent=" "*(level*2) for ii in range(len(ids)): txt="%-*d: %s%s" % (idLen, ids[ii], indent, names[ii]) if childCounts[ii]>0: txt+=" (%s, children=%d)" % (types[ii][7:], childCounts[ii]) else: txt+=" (%s)" % (types[ii][7:]) print(txt) if childCounts[ii]>0: dumpChildren(sqldb, ids[ii], level+1, idLen) def main(): import sys, math appName="pyori" nArgs=len(sys.argv) ok=True dbfile=None action="tree" recId=None aspect=None if nArgs>=2: dbfile=sys.argv[1] if nArgs>=3: action=sys.argv[2] if nArgs>=4: try: recId=int(sys.argv[3]) except: print("Record id must be an integer") if nArgs>=5: aspect=sys.argv[4] ok=True # Check dbFile if dbfile is None: print("Need an sqlite database.\n") ok=False # Check action if action not in [ "aspects", "print", "tree" ]: print("Unknown action '"+action+"'.\n") ok=False # Check aspects and print record id if action in ["aspects", "print"] and recId is None: print("No record id given.\n") ok=False if not ok: print("PyOPUS results database inspector usage:") print(" "+appName+" <sqlite file> <action> <option1> <option2> ...") print("") print("Print the tree") print(" "+appName+" <sqlite file>") print(" "+appName+" <sqlite file> tree") print("") print("List available aspects of node <id>") print(" "+appName+" <sqlite file> aspects <id>") print("") print("Print all aspects of node <id>") print(" "+appName+" <sqlite file> print <id>") print("") print("Print <aspect> of node <id>") print(" "+appName+" <sqlite file> print <id> <aspect>") print("") sys.exit(1) try: sqldb=SQLiteDatabase(dbfile) # Handle tree if action=="tree": # Default to root node if recId is None: _, recId = sqldb.root() txt="Children of root record" else: txt="Children of record %d" % recId rec=sqldb.get(recId, getPayload=False) if rec is None: raise PyOpusSqliteError("Record %d not found." % (recId)) lastId=sqldb.lastId() idLen=int(math.ceil(math.log10(lastId+1)))+1 print(txt) print("-"*len(txt)) dumpChildren(sqldb, recId, 0, idLen) # Handle aspects if action=="aspects": rec=sqldb.get(recId) if rec is None: raise PyOpusSqliteError("Record %d not found." % (recId)) aspects=rec.textAspects() if len(aspects)>0: print("\n".join(aspects)) else: print("No aspects available.") # Handle print if action=="print": rec=sqldb.get(recId) if rec is None: raise PyOpusSqliteError("Record %d not found." % (recId)) aspects=rec.textAspects() if aspect is None: aList=aspects elif aspect not in aspects: raise PyOpusSqliteError("Unknown aspect of record %d" % (recId)) else: aList=[aspect] print(rec.formatHead()) if aspect is None: n=len(aList) for ii in range(n): aspect=aList[ii] print(rec.formatStr(aspect), end='') if ii<n-1: print() else: print(rec.formatStr(aspect)) except PyOpusSqliteError as e: print("Failed:", str(e)) sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()